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November 22, 2019
Highly Opinionated and Emotionally Hysterical Former "News Man" Shep Smith Suggests He's Been "Oppressed" by the "Autocrat" Trump's Fake News
Butch up, Sally.
No offense to Sally, who can hold it together a lot more manfully than Sheppie.
Veteran TV anchor Shepard Smith decried the "intimidation" of journalists Thursday evening in his first public appearance since departing the Fox News Channel.
"Intimidation and vilification of the press is now a global phenomena," Smith, who hosted the event, said before taking a veiled swipe at President Donald Trump. "We don't have to look far for evidence of that."
"Our belief a decade ago that the online revolution would liberate us now seems a bit premature," Smith continued. "Autocrats have learned how to use those same online tools to shore up their power. They flood the world of information with garbage and lies masquerading as news… There's a phrase for that."
"They dispatch troll armies after critical reporters, who are vilified and harassed. Their personal information -- such as phone numbers, address, ID numbers – posted and published as an invitation for even more attacks," he added.
Hey, speaking of intimidation of the press -- the Epoch Times' printing press in Hong Kong was fire bombed three days ago, and until today, there were absolutely no major media stories about it.
Only people like Ian Miles Chong and Sharyl Attkisson covered it. The media embargoed the story -- the same media that preens about the how imperiled journalists are.
Today, there are finally a few stories -- but obviously, the media isn't pushing this story, because they want the Epoch Times firebombed and they also want to suck up to their Chinese overlords.
But instead of talking about that, let's talk about Shep Smith getting some well-earned clapbacks from Fox viewers. That's where the real intimidation is.
The Center for the Protection of Journalists -- which put on the Virtue Signal Party hosted by Shep Smith -- decides to make its soiree the day's top story, relegating an actual firebombing of a printing press to a sidebar item.
Like one of my Mystery Clicks.
Just like the Pharisees who don't care about piety but only being seen as pious, the Pharisees of the Press don't care about actually protecting the parts of the press that are actually in peril, but of appearing to care about protecting journalists, while actually only throwing parties to let pampered, privileged paper-pushers hand out Awards for Conspicuous Bravery to each other.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:39 PM
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