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November 15, 2019
"Masha" Yavonovich: When You Think About It, I'm Just Like the Four Diplomats Being Murdered in Benghazi. I'm a Hero!!!
This is how all civil servants really conceived of themselves.
They're all superheroes. Marvel should make movies about them.
We are people who repeatedly uproot our lives, who risk and sometimes give our lives for this country. We are the 52 Americans, who, 40 years ago this month, began 444 days of deprivation, torture, and captivity in Tehran. We are the dozens of Americans stationed at our embassies in Cuba, and consulates in China whom mysteriously and dangerously, and perhaps in some cases, perhaps even permanently, were injured and attacked from unknown sources several years ago.
And we are Ambassador Chris Stevens, Shawn Patrick Smith, Ty Woods, and Glen Doherty, people rightly called heroes for their ultimate sacrifice to this nation’s foreign policy interests in Libya eight years ago.
"Masha" said she had Teh Sadz because Trump made her move out of "my house."
By "my house," she meant the US-owned ambassador's residence.
This is like Trump whining that impeachment is an effort to kick him out of his house.
My God, CNN would shriek about that.
Julie Kelly googled to find pictures of what "Masha's house" looks like.
Maybe she has Teh Sadz because she used to get to live in a palace:
This is about the earlier "I have the sads" testimony, but it's good:
I think Joel Pollack must be one of those Alt-Right Nazis I keep hearing so much about.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:05 PM
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