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November 14, 2019
Alt-Right Nazi Hillary Clinton Expresses Caution About Whether Transwomen Are Really Women; Says Society Needs Time to Figure This Out
I call her an alt-right Nazi because I have been assured by the official keepers of permissible discourse -- our social media monopolist masters -- that questioning whether trans "women" are actually women is proof positive that one is an incel manbaby who hates women and loves guns.
But there you go.
Chelsea Clinton defended the idea that those men can become women, while her mother struck a more cautionary note.
"I do think there is a legitimate concern about women's lived experience and the importance of recognizing that, and also the importance of recognizing the self-identification [of people who identify as transgender]," said the elder Clinton woman. "This is all relatively new. People are still trying to find the language for it, trying to sort it out. I think in the right mindset this can be understood, but it's going to take some time."
I got the link -- and the headline -- from Tim Pool, who sarcastically calls this Hillary going "FULL FAR RIGHT."
Can I ask again why Democrat presidential candidates are never asked difficult questions about this, like whether trans "women" should be permitted to elect to go to women's prisons, or if trans "women" should be permitted to beat the shit out of actual women in Olympic judo matches?
Strange -- seems the supposedly unbiased and very professional media has no interest in asking Democrats wedge-issue questions that might cause friction between their activist ultra-woke base and the moderates/independents they'll need to win elections.
Meanwhile, the media had a freak-out a couple of weeks ago when Dr. Ben Carson said that he didn't think that women's shelters -- made for women fleeing men -- should also take in, well, men. Trans women.
So wedge issues are used to attack Republicans, and yet the media never even admits their existence when it comes to their precious Democrats.
Speaking of Twitter's misgendering rules: Some anti-SJW accounts on Twitter have taken to announcing their specialty pronouns, and then, per Twitter's rules, getting SJWs who "misgender" them suspended.
I heartily recommend the practice. Their rules. And if you don't want to call yourself by the wrong pronoun, just make up your own. Claim your designer pronuns are Mxyzptlk/Kltpzyxm and that you identify as a 5th dimensional imp.
Sky's the limit. There are no rules.
And then tattle to Twitter when people fail to call you that.
Again, their rules.
Someone just did this to hardcore SJW Gail Simone, a terrible feminist comics writer whose real job is creating twitter drama.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:12 PM
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