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November 13, 2019
Blood-Soaked Bride of ISIS Begs to Be Permitted to Return to America, Which She Renounced, Whining That She Wants to be Permitted to Drive a Car Again
Guantanamo Bay is American territory, right?
NBC News, of course, pleads her case for her.
NBC News wants you to pity Hoda Muthana, and who are you, O mortal, to answer back to NBC News? Hoda is a simple, down-to-earth, hijab-wearing Alabama gal who decided one day to travel to Syria to join the Islamic State (ISIS). But hey, everyone makes mistakes, right? "I want to have my own car," pines Hoda, and how could you possibly resist such an all-American appeal?
Only the most grudging "Islamophobe" would dare to note that Hoda's desire to have her own car is downright chilling in light of her earlier call for Muslims in America to "go on drive-bys, and spill all of their blood" -- that is, the blood of the unbelievers that Hoda can't wait to return and live among now.
But surely Hoda Muthana herself wouldn’t take her brand new car and use it for one of those drive-bys she wanted, would she? Of course not: she says she "regrets every single thing" she said in those halcyon days of the Islamic State, and thinks it is only just to let her come back to her Sweet Home Alabama: "Anyone that believes in God believes that everyone deserves a second chance, no matter how harmful their sins were."
Hit the link to PJMedia to see NBC pleading he case.
NBC is pleading the case of an ISIS bitch. ISIS is a terrorist group which explicitly supports rape as a tool of terrorism.
NBC has previously covered up for and protected Harvey Weinstein, who used both rape and intimidation and tools.
The media really loves terrorists and serial rapists, doesn't it?

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:49 PM
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