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November 12, 2019

The Morning Report - 11/12/19


Good morning kids. Tuesday and the sham-peachment show trial continues. Aside from intentionally staging this in the House Intelligence Committee that uses the excuse of national security concerns to hide their crimes and cover ups from the public, Adam Schiff-for-Brains is making an absolute mockery of due process and fairness by refusing to permit his Republican counterparts from calling any witnesses. Yes, technically, since this is a purely political process, the geeky tyrant-wannabe is within his purview to do so. That he chooses to speaks volumes about his complete lack of character, ethics and morality, but about his state of panic to prevent the public from knowing the truth.

The biggest "tell" in this whole thing is this so-called "whistleblower" Eric Ciaramella. The fact of the matter is, we know that he acted as a spy for John Brennan and was leaking to the press since day one of the Trump era. We also know that he reported to Schiff-for-Brains first about the Trump-Zelensky phone call, who then coached him to report to the IG. That right there should not only end all of this here and now, as the Mueller Deception should have, but it should lead to serious political if not criminal ramifications for both Ciaramella and Schiff-for-Brains. Plus with the release of the transcript of the phone call, Schiff-for-Brains' entire strategy for painting Trump as guilty for obstruction of justice evaporates. In fact, the reason we are at this stage right now was because of Ciaramella and now all of a sudden his testimony is unnecessary?

Beyond exposing this criminality, the other witnesses that the House Republicans are eager to call would put the pieces of the puzzle together for both the Ukraine deception but the much broader picture of the entire Obama/Clinton-engineered plot to take out candidate Trump and then overturn the 2016 election via the now exploded myth of Russian collusion. But, the bug-eyed bastard wields absolute power with this. Aside from the aforementioned, his mission is to protect Joe Bribem who is up to his bleeding eyeballs in all sorts of corruption and criminality involving Ukraine as well as the Chi-Coms, Romania and probably half the rest of the world. The reason?

...There are endless intersections between the Trump-Russia collusion hoax and Ukrainegate - same journalists, same fabricated evidence, same impeachment grist, and same plotters, including Adam Schiff. But the end game is the same: Obscure the actual foreign interference in an American election.

In the Trump-Russia collusion scheme, the purpose was to cover up for the weaponization of the federal government, including the use of foreign intelligence agencies and foreign operatives, to go after Team Trump in 2016. Now, the goal is to protect Joe Biden, the only candidate most Democrats think can beat Trump, both from any political fall-out for his son's shady dealings in Ukraine as well as how the Democrats enlisted Ukrainian help to sabotage Trump's presidential campaign...

Is Julie Kelly's assessment of Joe Bribem's chances correct? I'm not so sure. Considering the hell-bent-for-leather race to be the most vocal Maosit racialist candidate, I would think the last person the Dem establishment would want is an aging white man who gropes girls at press conferences, has brain bleeds, doesn't seem to know what decade he's in and makes speeches to the jumbotron instead of the audience.

Then again, despite what you are seeing and what the media is going to try and make you believe, this thing is a titanic fiasco. I don't know if they know it but we sure as hell do, as do more and more heretofore semi-interested Americans every day this drags on. Now they have no choice. Part of me thought they didn't want impeachment, but to only give the appearance that they did to appease their insane base. Now, I'm not so sure. Either way, it is likely that despite any lack of evidence, and oodles of completely fabricated testimony about things that did not happen or intentionally misrepresented or misremembered, the House at some point is going to vote to impeach this President. We're going to have to endure weeks of the most outrageous lies and theatrics that will make the Kavanaugh show-trial seem mild in comparison. And it will have all sorts of wonderful, patriotic Americans in uniform who are naturally beyond reproach, like William McRaven and Lt. Col. Vindman. Spit. It's not enough that the Left has gang-raped and ritually murdered the truth and the concept of real justice. Now they're mutilating the corpse.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by at 07:12 AM

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