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November 08, 2019
George Stephanopolous, Who Attended a Post-Conviction Dinner Party With Jeffrey Epstein, and Whose News Organization Coincidentally Killed Epstein Reportage: "Are You Sure You Want to Get Into a Credibility Contest with James Comey?"
And Tater thinks this is a sick burn.
That's below, but here's a letter from the actual whistleblower that George Stephanolopolous and his company are trying to hunt and punish.
Here's the most pertinent part:
To ABC News:
I sit right here with you all in complete shock. I, like many, are at a loss for words on how this has been handled. Instead of addressing this head-on like the company has in the past, it has spun into a mission of seek-and-destroy. Innocent people that have absolutely nothing to do with this are being hunted down as if we are all a sport. I challenge all of you to actually look inwards and remember why this company engages in journalism. We all hold the First Amendment at the foundation of this company, yet forget its history, its purpose, and its reasoning for even coming into existence to begin with. How lost we are… yearning to be found. I went to Project Veritas for the sole reason that any other media outlet else would have probably shelved this as well. I thank all of them, and James, for seeking truth.
We are all human and mortal, creatures of mistakes and redemption.
The road to redemption favors no soul.
Did George Stephanopolous kill this story, or lobby for it to be killed?
Did George Stephanopolous lobby for the leaker to be hunted down and deplatformed?
I don't know. But one fact seems salient: Of all the high-ranking media people who accepted Epstein's invitation for one his intimate post-pedophilia/child slavery conviction, George Stephanopolous is the most prominent, and the one with the most pull at ABC.
Why did he go to dinner with Epstein? Did he just really want to meet the pedophile?
Did he have... prior contacts?
Was he asked by his good friends Bill and Hillary Clinton to do this favor for their very good friend Jeffrey Epstein?
We need the answer to these questions, and obviously, none of the "mainstream" (lolgf) media organizations will ask them.
In fact, they will employ mafia tactics to intimidate anyone from exposing them.
They're a criminal gang and they're all jointly enforcing a corrupt code of omerta.
Oh, what am I worrying about? I'm sure intrepid and physically-fit firefighter and "media reporter" Brian Stelter will bravely charge the flames to rescue the story for us all.
The Daily Caller's Shelby Talcott has it right: NBC, ABC And CBS Appear To Have Run Cover For World’s Most Powerful Rape Rings.
NBC, ABC and CBS News have all appeared to run cover for some of the world’s most powerful rape rings.
The allegations range from killing entire stories on alleged rape offenders, shutting down reports of sexual assault to protect themselves, and firing an employee who might have tried to hold the network accountable.
All of these accusations have come in 2019, and all of the outlets have denied the various reports or declined to comment.
These are criminal enterprises which promote rape and pedophilia, and every employee of them must be treated as such.
Oh by the way, enjoy Disney's upcoming slate of rapist-and-pedophile protection racket family fare!

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:33 PM
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