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October 30, 2019
Source: You Don't Impanel a Grand Jury Unless You Intend to Indict; Obama's Minions Have Reason to be Afraid
And to beg the people in the media they routinely leak to to start working future juries on their behalf.
Wouldn't this be nice?
A number of former high-level Obama administration officials could fall into the investigative crosshairs of U.S. Attorney John Durham's team as his probe into the handling of the Russia investigation rises to the level of a criminal inquiry.
The elevation in status means the U.S. attorney for Connecticut will be able to subpoena witnesses, file charges and impanel grand juries.
"You do not impanel a grand jury at this point unless you are going to indict," a source familiar with the investigation told Fox News. "Durham is at a point where he knows he has crimes and now the question is how many people were involved and they have a pretty good idea of that group of people and what the charges can be and whether or not they can get some cooperators."
By the way, Obama's former photographer has declared the below photo of Trump and his advisers observing the Baghdadi mission an "obvious fraud," noting that the "metadata" proves it.

He got 23,000 retweets and likes for his discovery.
Oh, and here's someone analyzing James Clapper's body language as he's asked about this probe entering its criminal phase, if you buy that sort of thing.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:59 PM
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