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October 30, 2019
Lee Smith: Hillary Clinton Paid to Have Her Personal Conspiracy Theory Made Into Official US National Security Policy, and The Entire Nation Has Been Forced to Live Inside the Sick Imaginings of a Paranoiac for Three Years
Smith talks about his new book with Maria Bartiromo.
I downloaded his book, The Plot Against the President, yesterday but haven't started reading it yet.
It's the #1 Amazon Best Seller in books.
A correspondent writes,
He literally goes through the early drafts of "the dossier" and links specific media stories (leaks) to the "dossier" sentences...
As a friend in the military/security world told me from the beginning: "It's an op. It's obviously an op. I know it's an op because I used to be one of the guys running this kind of an op."
Meanwhile, Trump posted an obvious (and funny) photoshop of the hero Delta Force Dog.
The media and NeverTrump reacted with maturity, sobriety, and an unequaled sense of proportion and coolness of temper, as we have come to expect.
Seriously? You're fact-checking an obvious photoshop gag?
How do I explain this...? 1, the dog's identity is classified, so he can't appear in photos, 2, there's an obvious white line around the inserted image of the dog, and 3, see, WE DON'T GIVE THE PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM TO F***ING DOGS.
The Margaret Dumont Appreciation Society, Cosplay Conservative Wing, has decided that this silly photoshop is actually a terrible insult to the man who was actually given the award in the real picture.
This is Jeryl Bier, an extremely pathetic Beta Orbiter always trying to get his Senpai -- The Bulwark -- to notice him.
Yeah I'm sure he feels totally dishonored.
So many updates from this "reporter"!
This guy is paid by you. He "works" for VOA.
They're better and smarter and more important than you. You can tell, because all of the good, smart, and important people waste their entire fucking lives with #MuhTwitterz.
A correspondent writes:
RE the dog photoshop --Seriously, this goes back to what I was saying the other day about NeverTrumpers being humorless scolds. On top of having no sense of humor, they're just not all that bright. You see this over and over and over again.
Yes, they're SJWs. SJWs are known for being humorless scolds who are stupid and obsessive.
They're literally a bunch of nasty, venomous old ladies constantly shrieking about #MuhPropriety and #MuhScandalizedSensibilities and #MuhStarsandGarters.
Their T-levels are in the single digits -- beneath that of even the BuzzFeed "boys."
Exactly, Buzz:
Posted by: Rev. Dr. E Buzz Miller, Lesbian

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:55 PM
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