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October 30, 2019
Democrats Are Running the Exact Same Playbook in Russia Hoax 2.0 as They Did in Russia Hoax 1.0, Now Demanding (Stop Me If You Heard This One Before) That Trump's Attorney General Must Recuse Himself
Hm, does that mean you want to get another Obama loyalist Deep Stater to take over everything involving Ukraine and, let me see if I can guess the next step, appoint a Special Prosecutor, perhaps?
What happened to the constant cry that "we must trust our officials to execute their jobs with honesty and integrity," the daily cant re: Bob Mueller?
Bill Barr and John Durham have impeccable reputations -- but we're to ignore all that now because some people still can't get over that Hilary Clinton lost in 2016?
By the way, notice the extreme lack of the repeated chant, "Trust your career law enforcement officials," from NeverTrump now that Barr and Durham pose some threat to their employment futures.
Bonchie at RedState figures I will answer "LOLGF."
First, Barr had absolutely nothing to do with the Ukraine call. Just because he's mentioned in the call isn't a reason to recuse.
Second, Feinstein's claim that Barr is trying to "undermine the Russia investigation" by investigating the origins of the probe, the FISA abuse and possible involvement of the Obama administration/FBI/DOJ officials is laughable and projection. They accuse Barr of somehow abusing his powers when that's what they are doing with their 'not really impeachment' effort to find something on which to get Trump.
Are they concerned about what might be found about Democratic/FBI/DOJ/CIA involvement in efforts to undermine Trump with Russian and Ukrainian information in 2016?
Sounds like they think that Barr and U.S. Attorney Durham might be getting close and they're hoping to stave him off.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:03 PM
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