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October 24, 2019
Texts Reveal That Sloppy Slattern and Not-Hot Mess Katie Hill Was Frequently Drunk and Missed Flights Due to Drunkenness
Huh, I think I just spotted NeverTrump's next presidential candidate.
In text messages provided to RedState of conversations between Hill, her estranged husband, and their former throuple partner, by June 2019 all three were expressing concern about Hill’s drinking and its impact on her mental health and work performance.
In a text exchange (viewable at the link):
Hill said:
Yup! Celebrating Rusty winning with some people at a tiki bar.
Heslep [her ex-husband] replied:
Great. So getting hammered again? Should I just say goodnight now?
Hill said:
Hammered no, but continuing to drink yea.
At 3:30 am, this Stumbling Whore finally gets back to her hotel room:
She said:
I'm sorry babe. I just got back. And yeah, I'm drunk. I’ve been talking to Lydia about that. I love you. You will always be my stinker.
The Lydia to which Hill is referring is her psychiatrist. Heslep asks if Hill was talking to Lydia about the split-up. Hill replies:
And no, about drinking and everything.
Well, when you're talking to a psychiatrist about your drinking in the context of having said you would not get "hammered" but now admit "yea, I'm drunk," that means you're discussing a drinking problem.
And it wasn't just the ex-husband chiding her about her Whorish Drunkenness. It was also... a staffer.
I am very worried about your partying this weekend. After Friday night it was a red flag but... then you were out until 3, clearly from the misspelled text [were] very drunk, and it [a]ffected your work by missing your plane (a fact you hid from Kenny just making it even more clear something is going on. I am worried about you babe.
When a staffer, who can be fired for speaking out of line, tells you "You've got a real drinking problem," you've got a real drinking problem.
And -- babe? Is this the same staffer she was hooking up with?
More at the link, including some pictures of this Drunken Dollymop tipping one back.
Hillary Clinton
The most influential female politician in history.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:02 PM
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