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October 25, 2019
The Morning Rant

"So I'm reading about Congresswomen Katie Hill and her threesomes and leaked photos of her kissing one of her aides and another one where she's naked and taking hits from a bong and I'm thinking, what exactly do you have to do to get thrown out of congress?
"How bad do you have to be?
"And then I remember Alcee Hastings.
"You all remember Alcee Hastings, don't you?
"He was a federal judge who was impeached and removed from office in 1989 on charges of bribery, racketeering, and perjury. Dude was thoroughly corrupt. He was impeached by the U.S. House and convicted in the U.S. Senate, only the 6th federal judge to be removed from office by the Senate. I'm actually old enough to remember that when it happened.
"Now, you'd think that would be the end of his political career, right? You'd think he'd have to run a laundromat or sell used cars for some such.
"But no, this is Florida, so that didn't happen. Instead, Hastings was elected to the House of Representatives in 1992, from Florida's 23rd congressional district, and he's been there ever since.
"You'd think the House would have some sort of rule in place about not being allowed to be a representative if you've been convicted of certain crimes, like, for example, being impeached and removed from office for corruption. You'd think that would qualify.
"So, despite the noise, I don't think anything is going to happen to Ms. Hill. Unless she voluntarily resigns, she'll keep her job. Heck, getting high with your staff while naked is a résumé enhancer in Democratic circles. And her husband, who apparently signed himself up on a number of "wifesharing"/cuck sites, probably has a job waiting for him at the Bulwark."
(h/t Jack Posobiec for the Bulwark snark).
"Because Inappropriate Sexual Behavior Is Just Wrong"
Troll Level: Expert
Troll Level: Grand Wizard
From the Library of Kurt Eichenwald:
(h/t Pulp Librarian)
Who Dis:
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For the 'Ettes:

(click to enlarge)
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5
Monday's Wednesday's celebs: Norma Jean Mortenson (AKA Marilyn Monroe) and her one-time husband Joltin' Joe DiMaggio. From what I've read, DiMaggio was a bit of an a-hole who treated his wife poorly. However, he did lay flowers on her grave every year until he died.
Friday Shoe Pr0n:
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Caramel Apple Strudel:
(click for even bigger strudel)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:05 AM
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