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October 10, 2019
NeverTrumpers Becoming More Comfortable Admitting That They're Just Pro-Corporate Democrats
Looks like they won't bother with the "Not Binary" deceit this time 'round.
Looks like they'll just -- for once -- honestly announce they're supporting Democrats.
Only took them three years -- and the end of all further grifting opportunities in Conservamotism, Inc. -- to impel them to finally begin telling the truth.
What heroes!
Clickbait fake conservatives are very concerned about competing conservative clickbait:
Amusingly, when the leftwing media was boosting its new leftwing ally The Dispatch, Charlie "3-Wives" Sykes popped up to sing a few bars of "Don't you forget about me," and to take a shot at Jonah and Senorita Stevey for not being Anti-Trump enough:
But Russia Truthers promise they'll begin a golden age of promoting leftwing conspiracy theories:
Emerald Robinson notes:
She also wrote:

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:03 PM
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