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October 03, 2019
Confirmed: Dishonest Bloomberg Reporter Selectively Edited Posts When They Went Looking to Scalp a Trump Labor Department Official
If you remember this story, a Trump administration official wrote posts that were sarcastic parodies of things that an antisemite might say. These were obviously making fun of antisemitism, not actual statements of antisemitism.
They were obvious enough parodies that someone responded "Epic sarcasm."
But when Bloomberg "reporter" Benjamin Penn -- a fresh out of journalism school Millennial scalp-hunter -- wanted to get this official fired, he of course edited out that response, so as not to alert the Department of Labor that these posts were in fact completely anti-antisemitic, rather than antisemitic.
Ted Frank, a friend of Olson's, had previously asked Bloomberg to provide the emails they sent to the Department of Labor to determine if they had sent the carefully-edited frame-up version he suspected they had.
So he FOIA'd the emails -- the Department of Labor has to provide them.
And yes, it turns out, Bloomberg deliberately hid the proof that these posts were completely unobjectionable.
Bloomberg has refused to correct, apologize, or discipline their scalp-hunting know-nothing SJW monster, their little Buzzfeed Andrew in the making.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:03 PM
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