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October 02, 2019
The Morning Report - 10/2/19
Good morning kids. Midweek and the intertwined Impeachment kabu-kakke theater, Joe and Hunter Bidet Ukraine/China corruption and Deep State Coup against Trump tops the news, and no doubt will do so for weeks to come. The debunking of the fraud and/or SMOD notwithstanding. So here we go. First up despite Joe Bidet swearing up and down on a stack of Bibles the he and his son did not know, nor ever met any of the players in Ukraine, sure enough a photo has emerged of the two of them golfing with an executive of Burisma, the Ukraine gas company that hired the idjit spawn of the idjit teeny-bopper groper and occasional vice president for $50,000 a month. Rudy Giuliani gets to the nub of the matter by teasing us with smoking gun evidence that proves Obama ordered Hillary to head to the land of the midnight pierogi and dig up some dirt on PDT and finally, over in China one wonders what they got in return for giving him and his partner in crime, the stepson of John Kerry high-paying (to say the least) gigs as investment advisers or some such. Considering that neither has the financial savvy to come out ahead if asked for two $10's for a $5, perhaps it has something to do with access to our high tech as well as State Department approval for the deal? And the Chi-Coms just tested a nuclear missile the other day. Loral, schmoral. Nothing to see here.
- 2014 Photo Shows Joe and Hunter Bidet Golfing With Ukraine Gas Co. Exec
- Giuliani: "Pretty Close To Overwhelming Evidence" That Obama Ordered Hillary, Democrats To Dig Up Dirt In Ukraine On Trump
- What Did China Get Out of Hunter Bidet? Not His Investment Smarts (but access to high tech maybe - jjs)
And in the center ring, we have all the action intended to smear Trump and continue to sabotage the last year of his first time (SCOTUS and other nominees primarily), his chances for re-election and most crucially to stop the real crimes of treason perpetrated by Clinton, Obama and the Deep State intel/LE operatives from finally seeing the light of day.
The big revelation was that one of Adam Schiff-for-Brains' henchmen has direct ties to that Ukrainian Gas Company but the bug-eyed bugwit sez that there's no conflict of interest or anything relevant about it at all. Meanwhile the President has outright called all of this a coup and the sentiments were echoed by Rep John Ratcliffe, while the last-second hidden rule changes to the intel community whistleblower rules gets the Charlie Gibson jedi mind trick treatment from the agitprop propagandists. Plus, maybe I was too hasty in criticizing Cocaine Mitch in his saying that he would hold the Senate trial if Trump is impeached. That would entail something akin to a discovery phase that the Democrats would not be keen on, to say the least. Also, as the Democrat traitors and flunkies go after Mike Pompeo, the blood-sucking poverty pimp straight out of Compton is threatening to have him cuffed and dragged before the committee. None of this is conducive to the life of the nation in the post-Trump era, and certainly not in it.
- Schiff-for-Brains' Office Denies Conflict of Interest for Staffer on Think Tank Backed by Ukraine Gas Company
- President Trump: Impeachment Effort a "Coup" to Take Power from the People
- Rep. Ratcliffe: Democrats Trying to "Undo One Election and... Influence the Next One"
- Intel Community Admission Of Whistleblower Changes Raises Explosive New Questions
- Left Tries To Wave Away IG Changes Allowing Whistleblowers To Weaponize Hearsay
- Absolutely, Let's Have an Impeachment Trial
- Trump Officials Braced For Impending Impeachment Talk With Counter-Offensive: Report
- Democrats Subpoena Secretary Of State Pompeo Over Trump's Ukraine Call, Pompeo Responds
- "Mikvah" Waters: If Pompeo Defies Subpoenas, I Hope "We Can Drag Him in or We Can Arrest Him"
- Ukraine: The Democrat Party's Effort to Overthrow the Elected Government
- Impeachment and the American Grain: Presidential Inquisitions Might Yet Become Routine in a Country at War With Itself
Now to what got this current disgusting display started; the original disgusting display intended to destroy candidate and President Trump, and a good chunk of the American people who voted for and support him. The DoJ is going to be releasing the first pages of the Mueller probe docs and notes which I'm not so sanguine about since it has all the hearsay and innuendo in them which had and continue to have no real bearing on anything but will doubtless be cherry-picked by the propagandists to bolster impeachment. Please weigh in on this in case I'm not looking at this right. Also the Aussie PM has confirmed his country will be helping out in getting to the bottom of the collusion hoax. Recall that one of the key players was Alexander Downer, an Aussie who was involved in setting up Team Trumper George Papadopopoulos. Meanwhile, Margot Cleveland on new evidence on how Michael Flynn was essentially strong-armed into lying under oath (Mueller? Mueller?... Weissmann?) and finally as I said up top, what the aim of all of this is which is to stop AG Barr from getting to the bottom of this and finally exposing it for all the world to see. Punishment of the perps is another story entirely.
- DoJ Will Start Releasing Hundreds Of Pages Of Mueller Probe Documents Each Month
- Confirmed: Aussie PM Told Trump Australia Would Assist Probe Into Origins of Russia Probe
- Cleveland: New Evidence Suggests Prosecutors Pressured Michael Flynn To Lie (full pardon and reinstatement as NSA - jjs)
- Dems, Media Aim to Squash AG Barr's Probe of Russia Collusion Hoax
That elderly Canadian woman who was accosted by Antifa scum has something to say on what happened and Mark Hamill is as crude as he is bloated in body and ego.
- Elderly Woman Harassed By Antifa Terrorists Speaks Out
- #GoForceYourself: Star Wars Star Mark Hamill Calls Ivanka Trump a "Fraud" After She Posts Tweet of Her Kid in Costume
Insurrection comes in many flavors and as we head down to the border we see that one of them is in punishing people and now law enforcement officers who actually enforce laws. Also 7 in 10 Mississippians want the bosses who hire illegal aliens prosecuted (this was the state with the chicken processing plants that got raided IIRC), and supposedly Dick "Turd-Bin" Durbin, who still has yet to answer for his very close connection to would be mass-assassin James Hodgkinson, has supposedly torpedoed some sort of immigration deal, putatively because it would give the GOP a win. Meh, if it's the GOP of Mittelschmerz, the Alaskan Snow-Blower and all the rest, I'd say he did us a favor.
- Sanctuary Police Chief Suspends Officer Who Helped Catch Illegal Alien Fugitive (time to nationalize rogue police forces - jjs)
- Poll: 7-in-10 Mississippians Want Bosses Prosecuted for Hiring Illegals
- Dick Turdbin Stalls Landmark Immigration Bill, But Won't Explain Why; Critics Say It's To Keep Republicans From Getting a Win (meh, not much of a "win" to increase high-tech visas - jjs)
Ethics probes of Democrats are like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500. Call me when this walking sack of hate gets booted from Congress.
- Rancida Taliban Confirms House Ethics Probe Into 2018 Payments To Herself
If this was the haul Trump and the RNC got just on threats of impeachment, then bring on that trial, Ari Fleischer concerned about Texas GOPers retiring, more on Shamu-in-a-muu muu possibly running again, Sandersnista campaign sinking, prognosticating Kamala-Toe rising again, severely broke(back) Booker needs more do-re-mi, SC Repubs sue over no primary, Dems love authoritarianism whilst pretending the opposite and Lloyd Billingsley looks at what's potentially headed our way from the Left Coast. And I do mean Left.
- Trump Campaign, RNC Raise Record $125 Million in Third Quarter
- Ari Fleischer Sounds The Alarm On Texas Republican Retirements
- Impeachment Creates an Opening for Chappaqua
- Goodwin: Hillary Clinton Needs to Run for President Again... Or Get Over It Already
- Is Bernie Over? Sanders Campaign Might Be Nearing Its End
- Kamala-Toe Harris is the Winner from the Impeachment Push But the Game is On
- Severely Broke Booker Needs $2.5 Million to Cover October Budget
- Two SC Republicans Sue State GOP Over Canceled 2020 Primary
- Dem Senate Candidate Flipped on Gerrymandering
- While Claiming to Fear Authoritarianism, the Left Actually Breeds It
- Commie-fornia Here We Come
Why in the hell have we not shut down NPR once and for all, CNN is like watching necrophilia, Facebook now reactivates Elizabeth Warpaint's unflattering wiki page, the National Laughingstock is one, Bill Kristol ripped, and the media had a rough two weeks per the last link.
- Chinese Communists Doing "Spectacular Job" Fighting Poverty, NPR Reporter Says (killing or enslaving the poor I guess is "spectacular" - jjs)
- CNN Uses Traitor Andrew McCabe To Question Investigation Into Traitor Andrew McCabe
- Facebook Reverses Takedown of "Elizabeth Warren Wiki" Page Exposing Her Cherokee and Other Controversies
- How Far Will the WaPo Go to Generate Clicks? Meet the Trump Georgia Butt Peach Story
- A Very Cracked Kristol Ball
- The Media's No Good, Really Bad, Terrible Two Weeks
Not that the truth will have any affect on the gun-grabbers.
- FBI's Annual Crime Report Is Out and the Anti-Gun Crowd Won't Like It
An Obama-hack-in-black has decreed from on high against Georgia abortion ban, and the Left really does want to take away our children, mind and body. This is revolting on every level and we have got to destroy academia before they destroy us. Meh, too late maybe.
- Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Georgia Abortion Ban, Pro-Life Administration Says It Remains "Confident" (Obama appointed hack-in-black - jjs)
- Teen Experiences Serious Complications after School Inserts Birth Control Implant Without Parental Consent
Several links on the 70th anniversary of the Chi-Com revolution including live rounds being used on Hong Kong protesters, and David Harsanyi and Helen Raleigh reveal that nation's brutal body count. Yes, President Trump did send congratulations to Emperor Xi and perhaps all things considered it was ill advised given its history. Yes, I understand he plays verbal games with adversaries but it might have been better in this one instance to just not say anything, especially given the nature of that regime. Meh, he does constantly blast them when it comes to their trade thievery so there is that. Elsewhere, the Farsis intend to execute someone the say is a US spy, ayatollah Big Cheese himself ordered the attack on the Saudis, Saudis want tourists but no Bibles and I guess Jews as well, the NorKs pull a stupid just as nuke talks announced, member of Austrian right wins snap election, and three on Israel including Caroline Glick comparing the similar travails of Trump and Bibi.
- Hong Kong Demonstrations Turn Violent On Anniversary Of Chinese Communist Party, Protesters Shot With Live Rounds
- As Communist China Turns 70, Its Dark Past Haunts Its Future
- Harsanyi: Actually, China's Communist Government Can Rot In Hell
- Iran Issues Death Sentence for Accused US Spy
- Iranian Opposition: Khamenei Ordered Saudi Oil Attack
- A Day After Signaling Fresh Talks With US, N. Korea Fires Sub-Launched Ballistic Missile
- Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz Wins Snap Parliamentary Elections
- Saudi Arabia Now Open to Tourists, But Don't Bring Too Many Bibles (or Jews - jjs)
- With Friends Like Armenia, Is Israel Safer?
- Glick: Impeachment Investigation Against Trump Parallels Probes Against Netanyahu (interesting piece, but I think she is off the mark - jjs)
- Is There Hope For Israel at the UN? Why Israel's Ambassador Believes There Is
Striking GM employees have it tough, a look at the Fed and inflation, anti-CEO pay propaganda exposed, whither automation and the American worker and Elizabeth Warpaint's shakedown schemes.
- Striking GM Workers Caught Between Corrupt Union Leaders ship and Risky CEO Plans
- The Fed's Immoral Inflation Policy
- Will the Media Ever Tell the Public the Truth About Executive Pay Instead of Pushing the Democrat Agenda? (spoiler alert: no - jjs)
- Automation Could Drastically Change the Landscape of Labor, But Who Loses In An Increasingly High-Tech World?
- Elizabeth Warpaint's Money Grab: A Tax on Net Worth
Yeah, Trump is an evil racist.
- Black Lives Saved as Donald Trump Ends Barack Obama's Crime Wave
It's Obama hack-in-black day as another saves Harvard from the yellow peril.
- Federal Judge Rules Against Asian Students In Harvard Affirmative Action Trial (another Obama appointed hack-in-black - jjs)
More debunking of climate change bullshit and petroleum is in a hell of a lot more than just gasoline.
- "Climate Change?" No, Weather Change
- Green Dream to End Fossil Fuels Also Means Going without Plastics (and medicine, food, clothing... - jjs)
Refs flee scrums with junk-tucking bums.
- UK Rugby Referees Quitting Over Transgender Players Breaking Women's Bones
Joker director explains why he no longer wants to make comedies, Christian Toto on the SNL joke that exposes the cancel culture and a review of a film that is sure to make Lefty heads explode. Now I want to go see it.
- Joker Director Todd Phillips on Why He Quit Making Comedies: "Go Try to Be Funny Nowadays With This 'Woke' Culture"
- Toto: How One SNL Joke Brutally Exposes Cancel Culture
- G-d, Guns, and Grit: Why America Needs The Reliant
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at
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