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October 01, 2019
Ninth Woman Accuses Former Democrat Senator Al Franken Of Having Groped Her
Guy keeps his hands full.
A new woman has come forward to say that ex-Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) once squeezed her derrière in a Senate photo op.
Last week, SiriusXM announced the launch of Franken’s new weekly show with SMXProgress.
The new woman, who isn't releasing her name just yet, says Franken grabbed her ass in a photo line at an event in 2006. She told New York Mag's "The Cut," which broke the story, that Franken, then simply exploring a Senate race, squeezed her backside. She worked for Sen. Patty Murray (D-Washington).
"It's so violating," she recalled to New York Mag. "...and I am bright red. I don't say anything at the time, but I felt deeply, deeply uncomfortable."

posted by Ace of Spades at
11:57 AM
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