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September 30, 2019
The Morning Rant

"I think this whole Ukraine thing is playing out like the Russia hoax. But what if it's real? I don't think for one second that it *is* real, but let's say it is. Let's say that Trump did-- well, whatever it is that he's supposed to have done, called up the Ukraine and had one of his oligarch buds send a bunch of prank pizzas to Joe Biden's house late at night, or whatever. That's impeachable, isn't it? So what if he did? The question is, how would we know? They're all liars. The Democrats lied their asses off for nearly three years about a Russian conspiracy that didn't exist, and their media allies lied their asses off for nearly three years about a Russian conspiracy that didn't exist, so how do we know they're not lying now?
"When it comes to our national media, we're living in a boy-who-cried-wolf world now. CNN could show live footage of Donald Trump receiving sacks of cash from Vladimir Putin in the Oval Office, and my first thought would be, eh, it's CNN, so it's obviously fake. This is the network that pushed the Russian collusion hoax for nearly years and came up with a big plate of nothing with a side order of bupkis. Like when Geraldo Rivera opened Al Capone's vault. And when it became obvious that their reporting was crap, instead or apologizing to their viewers for their crap reporting, they congratulated each other for a job well done. So why should I believe *anything* they say? The media simply doesn't realize how badly they've damaged their credibility. And the damage is probably permanent.
"You know, perhaps that's a good thing. Because I'd like to see a media that actually does their job rather than act as cheerleaders for people who hate me."
The Ukraine Scandal In A Nutshell:
I, For One, Welcome Our New Overlord:
Guardian: Oh Noes! Progressive Women's Magazines Are Going Out of Business!
Actually, these rags aren't going out of business fast enough to suit me. The one I really want to see crash and burn is Teen Vogue. It's such a hot mess of SJW garbage. I believe it has to power to turn normal, healthy young women into bitter, hate-filled, self-destructive neurotics.
Dumbest Tweet of the Weekend:

Dumbness level = 835 millikohns.
Who Dis:

Here is
another photo.
For the 'Ettes:

And here's
photo #2.
Friday's celebs: My memory has gotten really bad due to old age and, well, old age. And some intense surgeries. Anesthesia can do a number on your brain. Anyway, I started rewatching Star Trek: Enterprise on Amazon Prime, and discovered that even though I remember the characters, including Jolene Blalock (T'Pol) and Connor Trinneer (Trip), I have no memory of any of the stories/episodes. So it's like I'm watching a show I've never seen before. I'm actually enjoying it, despite the negative remarks made about it in Friday's rant thread. But I'm definitely not enjoying that crappy intro music, which I turn the volume down every time it comes on. Ugh. I'd rather eat a bowl of week-old gagh than have to listen to it.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Roasted Garlic Herb Potatoes:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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