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September 23, 2019
Sensible Rational Non-Insane Establishment Avatar Bill Weld: Obviously, We Need to Execute Trump
So, given that the Overton Window has now been shifted by the NeverTrumpers, I assume they wouldn't mind if we start drawing up our own lists for purging and executing, right?
Oh wait -- it is definitional that a Ruling Class operates by different laws than the Ruled Class.
Speaking of, what has been the favored response in history to a Ruling Class that is both incompetent and obnoxious?
I mean, as long as we're discussing the guillotine.
If you watch the video, no one pushes back. No one brings levity to the conversation. No one suggests that because Trump didn’t actually do anything wrong, perhaps riffing on his coming execution is a bit much. Instead, they entertain the dialogue because these people have lost their minds.
Remember, these are your intellectual and moral betters. Never mind that these people clearly have no idea what the definition of treason is. Heck, I’m old enough to remember when the media lost their minds and did a million fact-checks when Trump misused the term. When it’s to target Trump though? All’s fair in the world of orange man bad.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:29 PM
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