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September 17, 2019
New York Times Publishes Article That Discovers New Feminist Cause for Feminist Maniacs To Rage Against. The New Cause Is (Spins Wheel) "Poop Shaming."
I think the Times has pieces of shit like this all loaded up in the chamber, ready to crap them out when they need to change the story away from their last shit-the-bed moment.
This is embarrassing as hell, but at least the discussion here isn't about whether the New York Times engages in deliberate slander for partisan ends.
We may be living in an age where certain pockets of the corporate world are breathlessly adapting to women’s needs -- company-subsidized tampons, salary workshops, lactation rooms. But even in the world's most progressive workplace, it’s not a stretch to think that you might have an empowered female executive leading a meeting at one moment and then sneaking off to another floor to relieve herself, the next.
Poop shame is real -- and it disproportionately affects women, who suffer from higher rates of irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. In other words, the patriarchy has seeped into women’s intestinal tracts. Let's call it the pootriarchy.
Girls aren't born with poo shame -- it's something they're taught.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:08 PM
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