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September 17, 2019
Ilhan Omar: American Immigrant Detention Centers Remind Me of African Slave Camps
They visited a museum about the slave trade, which featured preserved dungeons used for keeping slaves.
During the speech, Omar talked about a trip that she took to Ghana, describing a visit to the slave dungeons where Africans were held as captives....
"Every time [the tour guide] gave a description, I had this sort of flashback to an image that I saw on TV in Libya where you had Africans in a small room that were now captives, and that image was from today," Omar said.
"And every time he would talk about the separation of the kids and from their parents and how they would have young girls be in the same dungeons as the women or they would have young boys be in the same dungeons as the men, I couldn’t stop seeing images of the current camps we have here our borders in the United States," Omar said.
"And so of a story that happened 400 years ago–I constantly had this reminder, this horrifying image, of many of the things that were taking place there in that dungeon now taking place, whether it is in in the shores of North Africa or in the shores of the United States."

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:20 PM
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