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September 06, 2019
Surprise! Only Fox Reports on Joe Biden's Eye-Bleed; Rest of the "Mainstream" News Outlets Suppress the Story
On Thursday, we noted CNN's New Day skipped over Joe Biden's bloody eyeball during the seven-hour CNN Town Hall on climate change, despite it being an all-day Drudge Report item. But then something happened that we didn't expect: CNN never reported it. Neither did MSNBC. Neither did ABC, CBS, NBC, or PBS. Even The New York Times and The Washington Post skipped it. Fox News covered it, but not obsessively.
Trust your Gatekeepers of the Ruling Class.
They went to colllllege, so you know they must be smaaaaaaht.
Ignore the fact that pretty much anyone with a pulse can get into college now and graduate with a B+ average.
Also, ignore the fact that most of the people you knew in college were total fucklng chimps.
posted by Ace of Spades at
02:17 PM
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