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August 29, 2019
Iranian "Space" Rocket Explodes Due to Electrical Short and God Saying "Sit Your Twelfth Century Retard Asses Back Down, Savages" But Mostly the Thing About God
I assume "space" refers to "Israeli air space."
Too bad about your piece of shit rocket, primitive screwheads.
A rocket at an Iranian space center that was to conduct a satellite launch criticized by the U.S. apparently exploded on its launch pad Thursday, satellite images show, suggesting the Islamic Republic suffered its third failed launch this year alone.
State media and officials did not immediately acknowledge the incident at the Imam Khomeini Space Center in Iran's Semnan province.
However, satellite images by Planet Labs Inc. showed a black plume of smoke rising above a launch pad there, with what appeared to be the charred remains of a rocket and its launch stand. In previous days, satellite images had shown officials there repainted the launch pad blue.
On Thursday morning, half of that paint apparently had been burned away.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:00 PM
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