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August 28, 2019
MSNBC's Larry O'Donnell Claims, Without Evidence, That Putin Co-Signed for Trump's Loans
Update: Larry O'Donnell Apologizes
Update: Via Jack Straw--
If you can't see Twitter:
Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president's finances that didn't go through our rigorous verification and standards process. I shouldn't have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air. I will address the issue on my show tonight.
NeverTrump is sooo exhausted at falling for their left wing twitter pals' bullshit day after day.
One guy said he heard something.
He didn't see the documents. He just said he heard about them.
One guy.
Who admits he himself has no information personally.
MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell made a bombshell claim on his show Tuesday night about President Donald Trump’s taxes, only to report later in his show that the allegation is unverified.
O’Donnell reported that a lone source told him Russian oligarchs co-signed loans that Trump received from Deutsche Bank.
The story would confirm Democrats' theories about Trump business links to Russia, but O'Donnell said at the end of his show that NBC had not been able to verify the claim.
The White House shot back Wednesday, saying MSNBC had "little regard for the truth."
Correct. And why are they still platformed?
Lawrence O’Donnell dropped a potential bombshell about President Donald Trump’s taxes on his MSNBC show Tuesday night, only to acknowledge later in his broadcast that the report will need "a lot more verification."
Or even some verification. How about one (1) actual source?
O’Donnell opened his show with his possible scoop, hyping it during an exchange with Rachel Maddow, who hosts the show prior to his.
Of course. Tossing it with the Queen of Conspiracies.
MSNBC refuses to post the story itself:
Trump's attorney demands a retraction:
I hear the cucks are "exhausted" at having to refute MSNBC's lies, and would like to have a nice Democrat president that they're not expected to actually oppose with any vigor, which may cause further exhaustion.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:13 PM
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