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August 26, 2019
MSNBC Snowflake Anchorette & Trans Activist Calls a Republican's Belief in Two Genders "Incendiary"
I guess Joe Biden's statement that there were three genders was 50% less incendiary.
Rep. Ralph Abrahama (R., La.), who is seeking the GOP nomination to challenge Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D.), released a TV ad where he laid out a series of his conservative positions, among them his medical assertion there are only two genders.
"We've got an important question now," Jansing told viewers. "What does it mean to be a mainstream Republican? It is the question that some Republicans have been asking in the age of Donald Trump, and increasingly, it seems the answer might be to make incendiary comments about women and members of the LGBT community."
"In Louisiana, the Republican candidate for governor, Ralph Abraham, is out with a new TV ad this week making incendiary comments about gender," she added.
I got the story from Tim Pool. He also mentioned a Vice story pressuring straight men to have sex with other men, who claim to be "women" of a sort.
I looked for that story.
But I was flummoxed -- which story? Vice is obsessed with pressuring straight men to have sex with trannies.
As Pool said, correctly: How is this different than telling gay men they should have sex with women?
If you say that, it's a crime.
But here is our Ruling Class (or at least the aspirational members of the Ruling Class) telling us day in, day out that straight men must have gay sex.
Meanwhile, a school dragged a six-year-old sixth grader out of class for correctly identifying a boy as a boy.
The school district claims he wasn’t punished. But it dragged him out of class for the day and warned him not to correctly identify the biological sex of a classmate again.
Liberty Counsel said an Ohio school district backed down after the religious liberty law firm warned that it could not punish a sixth grader for disagreeing with classmates who said a boy with gender dysphoria was actually a girl.
According to the narrative by Liberty Counsel in a press release and subsequent fundraising pitch, the school uniformly referred to the gender-confused male (“Boy A”) as a girl and used female pronouns for him.
In a redacted letter to the school district, Liberty Counsel said Boy A had started publicly identifying as a female this spring. It became “heavily discussed at the school, particularly by a group of girls” in John’s classes who quickly started treating Boy A as a girl and frequently discussing his “transition” with him in art class.
Oh, and speaking of gender identities:

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:09 PM
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