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August 22, 2019
If I Told You This Is The ONT, Would You Hold It Against Me?
How about we open the ONT with a little light reading?
Jack is what the old folks refer to as a “Renaissance man”.
Political Ad
Of course, the same ad for Bernie or Liz featuring their policy preferences wouldn't be as popular in flyover country, but you could make it.
Making Perfume From the Rain
I learned the word Petrichor from Doctor Who, “the smell of dust after rain”, but I have to say I love this article. I love every thing about it, even a passing reference to a “three thumbed man”. I have no particular interest in perfumery, but I desperately want to travel to India now to see this for myself. It's why I travel anywhere, I guess, to see different people, cultures, traditions, industries, etc, and why I always wind up at places that bore my teenager to tears, like a Mexican glass-blowing factory. I'm always jumping at the chance to see how people do things, I'm the guy who signs up for a tour of the ship's laundromat when I'm on a cruise, there is so much stuff in this world, and it's all so damn interesting. Hmmm. I wonder if this guy tours the laundry?
This Man Has Been Living On Cruise Ships for Twenty Years
In theory I could do that, but cruise ships are so sanitized. At-sea days are OK, there's something to be said for lying-in-the-sun-drinking-margaritas-all-day, don't get me wrong, but the fun comes when we get to port. Then it's rent-a-car-and-see-what-there-is-to-be-seen time. There's this little restaurant on the far side of Cozumel, with a silverware crucifix on the wall, seafood fresh from the gulf on the menu and gallon margaritas at the bar(really), all served on the sand by a brilliant blue Caribbean sea. It's one of my favorite places in the world, and I never would have found it by sticking to organized cruise activities. Robert Frost knew what he was talking about.
Hey, Look, You've Invented A Raft
Perfect for all those times you want to wake up 25 miles from your car or drowning while thrashing against collapsing nylon.
Oh, That's Obviously Unimportant
Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common
Anyone want to guess what it is? No Peeking.
Of course, to point that out calls into question ALL of the sacred cows behind modern western liberal dogma, and that's just not done. Your fish might not need a bicycle ma'am, but your kid's sure do. Thomas Sowell was right (always a safe statement to make).
Blogging News
I don't know how many of you remember the Protein Wisdom blog, back in the day it was probably on par with AoS, until it kinda got attacked and taken down. It's back but not nearly at its old prominence. Anyhow, Jeff, the guy behind it, has been kind of having a hard time of it lately as his son battles cancer. Jeff's one of the good guys, and those of you who remember him from the old days might want to offer up some prayers for his situation.
Where In The World Is Amelia Earhart?
New evidence suggest that maybe she got eaten by crabs. Gruesome.
This'll Put A Smile On Your Face
Tonight's ONT brought to you by childhood mortality:
The poor guy outlived (all?) 8 of his kids. Stark reminder that for all our problems, we live in an age of miracles. Such a thing is unthinkable in the west today. Go forth and be thankful that you don't live 200 years ago.
The Yahoo Group will outlive us all.

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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