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August 23, 2019
The Morning Rant

"Arguing with liberal on Twitter is a mind-bending experience. According to the progressive view, Obama inherited an economy from George Bush that had totally crashed and broken down. He then worked whatever voodoo he do and got it working again -- but not right away. See, it was so completely busted that it took literally *years* for his voodoo magic to work. So we were well into Obama's second term before the economy came back to life.
"How far into the 2nd term? Well, as it turns out, about 3 and 1/2 years, give or take, which brings us till about 2015-2016. In fact, just about the time the Obamas were packing their bags and moving out of the White House did the economy sputter into life, like a lawn mower engine finally starting up after being left out in a cold tool shed all winter. And then Obama stood to one side while incoming President Donald Trump climbed on board the mower and drove a victory lap around the front yard to the sound of cheering crowds, happily taking credit for all of Barak Obama's hard work.
"They actually believe this is what happened.
"So if the economy tanks, it will be Trump's fault. And if it doesn't tank, if it continues to hum along, it'll be because of Obama. They actually believe this, too."
Harsh, But Fair:
Compare & Contrast:
Progressives Ruin Everything:
Wednesday's celebs: Amy Adams and Henry Cavill from the DC superhero movies Man of Steel, Justice League, Batman v. Superman.
Who Dis:

(click for bigger)She certainly has lovely eyes.
For the 'Ettes:

(click for bigger)And here's another photo
Wednesday's celebs: Amy Adams and Henry Cavill from the DC superhero movies Man of Steel, Justice League, Batman v. Superman.
Friday Shoe Pr0n:

Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Butterscotch Blondies:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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