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August 16, 2019
The Morning Rant
"You know, for the all the fighting Trump supposedly indulges in, it's actually surprising how little he actually does. Most of the time, his enemies do it themselves. The progressive left has been punching their own nuts ever since the election, and while that's been fun to watch, there's been fights on the right, one of which ace described the other day as soy on soy. And all you need to get in on the action is to proclaim Orange Man Bad.
"This time, it's erstwhile neocon Max Boot and NRO in the fight, and they came out from their corners slapping and pinching. Actually, the problem here is that NRO didn't understand that Boot has gone full on lefty. So they tried to rebut his imbecilic accusations as if he could be reasoned with. Boy, did they get that one wrong. All Boot does now is holler call people names, like the rest of his buddies at the WaPo. But shrieking about 'white supremacy' is no basis for a system of government. Nor of any rational political discourse. What is the endgame here? I feel we're on the bus to Crazytown and somebody cut the brake lines."
"I. Am. Boooot!"
Look At All The White Privilege In This Photograph:
Advantage: Trump
I Would Take This Deal:
Who Dis:

(click for bigger)
For the 'Ettes:

(click for bigger)
Wednesday's celebs: actress Angie Dickinson and her erstwhile husband, composer/songwriter Burt Bacharach.
Friday Shoe Pr0n:
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Pound Cake:

(click for bigger cake)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:17 AM
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