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August 13, 2019
CNN Invents a New Fake Racial Slur With Which to Dox and Deplatform People: "Fredo," the Other Other "F-" Word
Someone called Chris Cuomo "Fredo" -- hard R.
Is "Fredo" really the Italian equivalent of the n-word?
A friend reminded me of John Mulaney's great joke about whether the word "midget" was just as bad as the n-word: "If you can say one word, but have to call the other word 'the n-word,' that means that one word is not as bad as the other word."
Below, Trump's tweets about this, and Fredo's own network, CNN, constantly using the Italian N-Word.
Update: More Trump.
Charlie Spiering
Verified account
Trump on Fredo/Cuomo: "I think Chris Cuomo was so out of control that I would not have wanted to see a weapon in his hand... I guess his fist is not a weapon or he would have done something, you know he talks about it but he didn't do anything."
Donald Trump, Jr., doesn't buy that this is the equivalent of the n-word.
The Free Beacon ran a super-cut of the many, many times CNN personnel have dropped the "Fredo" bomb. Hard R.
Video here.
Did this Daisy Really Want to Fight? A friend says,
My favorite part was after Cuomo started going full tough guy, the dude took off his glasses in case a punch was thrown at him, and this seemed to unnerve Cuomo.
Fredo definitely seems comfortable hiding behind several pals.
You're Not Going to Believe This, But... the "both sides" crew, the cucks who constantly take the left's side in ever dispute because, they say, they're the Real Conservatives, think that Fredo being called "Fredo" is the equivalent of antifa kicking the door of Tucker Carlson's house.
posted by Ace of Spades at
01:24 PM
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