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August 09, 2019
Genius Joe Gets Angry When He's Asked How Many Genders There Are, Grabs Woman's Arm
Hm. It's almost a pattern with him.
By the way, how many times have I said, "We need to start asking these people how many genders there are?"
That's not my question. A friend suggested it to me. But I've repeated the crap out of it, because it's great.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden forcefully grabbed a young woman's arm on Thursday after she pressed him about how many genders exist and Biden seemed unable to provide an adequate response.
"How many genders are there?" Katie asked.
"There are at least three," Biden responded.
"What are they?" Katie asked.
Biden becoming visibly angry, responded: "Don't play games with me, kid."
I think Genius Joe assumed, incorrectly, that the girl asking the question was a Social Justice Warrior trying to do to him what Black Lives Matter did to Bernie Sanders, accuse him of not being woke enough.
I think that's why he then grabbed her and "reassured" her that he was the first to advocate for gay marriage. Which he wasn't, but he was the first person Barack Obama directed to go out and talk that position up so that he himself could later claim to have been "persuaded" by the arguments for that position.
He grabbed this girl against her will to lecture her about this.
If you ever are near a Democrat, and you have a camera, demand to know how many genders there are, and what those genders might be.
Also maybe ask if people should be mandated to specify their personal pronouns.
posted by Ace of Spades at
07:11 PM
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