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August 02, 2019
The Morning Rant
"Ever since 1980 I've heard liberals hyperventilating about the menace of the "far right" in this country. I've heard dire warnings about theocracy about to descend on us. We're just one Trump EO away from the Handmaid's Tale. Progressives actually believe this.
"Of course, all of this is so silly, it's hardly worth refuting.
"But you know what? At this point, I don't care. In fact I can't wait. I actually want this to happen. Bring on the theocracy! I want to see liberals silenced by force for a change. I want to see the things they hold dear smashed and mocked and degraded before their eyes. I want to see feminist bakers forced to produce cakes with "A woman's place is in the home" written in icing. I want to see progressives keeping silent out of fear. I want to see them brutalized by thugs who know they won't be punished. I want to see their gender studies classes disrupted by screaming goon squads. I want to see their politicians obscenely mocked, slandered, and ran out of restaurants. And I want them to realize the laws won't save them.
"Because they were okay with lawlessness when it was directed at someone else. What are they going to do when it comes back at them, when they've destroyed the only means that could save them?
"In short I want every f*ing progressive in America to have their faces ground in the dirt the way they've been grinding the flag of this country in the dirt."
(h/t Trimegistus for providing the material for today's rant.)
How They Want You To See The 'Single Payer Option':
How The 'Single Payer Option' Actually Is:
Compare & Contrast:
Who Dis:

(click for bigger carmen)
For the 'Ettes:

(click for bigger johnny)
Wednesday's Celebrities: Early stage/silent movie actress Maude Fealy and Dutch actor Rutger Hauer, whose CV is a mile long. Best known on this blog for the movie an outraged ace called "thoroughly irresponsible", 2011's Hobo With A Shotgun.
Friday Saddle Shoe Pr0n:

(click for bigger saddle shoes)Because what every man likes to see on a woman is a nice pair of... saddle shoes.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars:

(click for bigger bars)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:19 AM
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