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July 31, 2019
The Morning Report - 07/31/19
Good morning, kids. Back from a magical 10 days in Rome and Umbria, marred only by a young co-ed exchange student from Colorado who accosted us in Perugia, collecting donations for, you guessed it, the Marxists. After enduring several interminable minutes of pablum while trying to gently enlighten her about those 150 million victims and counting of her heroes, I saw that it was not sinking in. So I insinuated, as politely as I could that she best de-ass with the quickness from my presence lest she find herself swallowing her own teeth. Mercifully, the clueless schmuck backed off. The striking thing was that she seemed brainwashed, with a creepy, pasted-on smile and glazed eyes that made my long ago encounters with Moonies and Hare Krishnas come off as rational. Pitiful and sad, as well as frightening, given the state of "education" in this country.
A big grazie mille to Misanthropic Humanitarian and CBD for covering so admirably in my absence. Figures that something huge like the public dismantling of Robert Mueller happens when I'm not around. Oh well, there's plenty to riff off and rant on so here we go. Once again, the President finds himself in a "controversy" where common sense and decency dictate - that is the Dem-Left-Media Complex's playbook - that he must apologize. I'm of course speaking about his attacking one of the worst blue shit-holes in America, Baltimore, MD and one of its longtime overlords Elijah Cummings which was in response to the latter's smearing and slandering of both the President and his administration. True to form, Trump wasn't having any of it and unlike any other Republican president in my lifetime he fired back with both barrels. You'd think that after almost three years of playing Wile E. Coyote, plummeting from a thousand-foot cliff holding ten sticks of dynamite with the fuse lit with a one-ton boulder following you down, you'd learn something. But no. Paraphrasing the immortal words of the Road Runner, "Meep-meep," mo-fos.
From their own anti-Semites who are now the face of their party to insane multi-trillion dollar green new deals to open animus to the flag to post-natal infanticide, and all the rest, President Trump has forced the Democrats to not only expose themselves but to actually double and even triple down in defending themselves. And right on cue, here comes next iteration of the Acme Sure-Fire Trump Annihilator. Al Sharpton. As Stacey Matthews over at Legal Insurrection notes:
...It's like clockwork.
President Donald Trump tweets out criticisms of someone or something. Democrats hop on the Twitter machine and left-wing cable news networks to denounce his comments and defend the object of his ire.
It's a deliberate strategy on Trump's part. He designs it to get liberals on record, taking positions on public figures or issues that are unpopular with most mainstream Americans. Democrats take the bait almost every time...
Bingo. And if it wasn't deliberate during the first few months of the administration, it sure as hell is now. Donald Trump is playing the entire Democrat-Left-Media Complex like a Stradivarius. Rush Limbaugh stated the other week that Trump essentially created a shotgun marriage between Nancy Pelosi and Chiquita Khruschev AOC. Now that the Democrats actually have to defend the policies that make everywhere they rule hells-on-earth for the people who live there and reflexively cast their votes for them, they are forced to defend and promote sick, anti-American crackpots as mainstream leaders in their party. And just in time for the next round of nationally televised Democrat debates where the so-called "moderates," will be forced to do the same in front of all America. Check and mate.
Shifting to the immigration and border crisis, CBP chief with alarming stats about amnesty fraudsters as well as the ability to effectively determine who's who, establishmentarian GOPers just as culpable in wanting to destroy the nation and a look at citizenship and American identity.
- Border Patrol Chief: 5,800 "Fake Families" Discovered at the Border
- Rio Grande Valley Passes 300,000 Apprehensions, Sets Annual Border Record
- Acting CBP Commissioner: Can't "Efficiently" Check Whether Illegals Have Criminal Record Back Home (then assume they do and send them home anyway - jjs)
- Pro Mass Migration Republicans "Equally to Blame" for Border Crisis, Say Experts
- Citizenship and American Identity
I agree with the CBP chief but the Left controls the horizontal and the vertical.
- CBP Chief: "Demonizing of Law Enforcement Professionals Must Stop"
SJW bean-counters collect scalps in the racialism game, and yet more hypocrisy from our self-appointed betters when it comes to "saving the planet."
- DCCC Loses Six Top Aides After Expose on Anger Over Lack of Diversity
- A-Listers Flock to Google Summit in Private Jets, Mega Yachts to Talk Climate Change
Day-Ending-In-Y-Dept. as Joo-hater heckles Trump over "racism," Chiquita Khruschev agrees with Joo-hating radio DJ and the attack on the Jews is really an attack on our collective culture and nation.
- Virginia Delegate Who Heckled Trump For "Racism" Has History of Anti-Semitic Posts
- Radio Host Calls Israel's Behavior "Very, Very Criminal" and Chiquita Khruschev AOC Agrees
- Always - and Especially Now - the Jews!
Jim Jordan on the warpath against the "colluzhnikovs," same FBI, different administration, and Jerry Gunty is a lying load of lard 'n lipids.
- Jim Jordan Wants To Hold Russian Collusion Investigators Accountable
- Is FBI Attempting To Block How Comey's FBI May Have Targeted Trump?
- Jerry Nadler Is Lying About Robert Mueller's Claim He Would Have Indicted Trump
Marianne Williamson makes Christine O'Donnell look like Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Bernie and Fauxca-Has-Been keep beating the global warming garbage to death and as noted above the Trotskyites are being ousted by the Maoists.
- 2020 Democrats Call Out Extreme Progressive Policies During Debate
- Dem Dystopia in Detroit
- Greenfield: Dem Debate Pits Radical Extremists Against Extremist Radicals
- Breitbart Live-Blog Recap; Marianne Williamson Steals the Show
- Moderates' Last Stand: Beaten Into Submission by Bust-Out Radicals
- Fauxca-Has-Been: "Climate Crisis is the Existential Crisis of Our World"
- Sanders: Fossil Fuel Industry "Is Destroying This Planet...That Is Criminal Activity"
Several links on the tragedy that is Baltimore including Candace Owens and Daniel Greenfield, Rabbi Fischer and John Perazzo on the execrable Al Sharpton, Andrew Yang thinks the fix is in at the DNC, Bro-Fo Omar and the GOP's woeful oppo research problem, Salena Zito reporting from the heartland and Roger Kimball on Trump shifting the Overton window back.
- Detroit News: Trump's Baltimore Tweets Should Inspire Dems to Debate Issues "Tormenting Communities Nationwide"
- Greenfield: Baltimore's Biggest Democrat Rats
- 2020 Presidential Candidates Fall Into Trump's Trap, Line Up to Defend Al Sharpton
- Rabbi Fisher: Al Charlatan - The Race Baiter's Race ta Wanna a Brawl[ey]
- Finally, An American President Stands Up To Sharpton
- Owens: Who's Using Baltimore?
- Democrats' Identity Politics Civil War Expands To Campaign Committee
- The Seven Dumbest Things Democrats Demand You Believe
- Bad News, Dems: American Voters Aren't Nearly as "Woke" as Your Primary Field
- Not a Single Democrat Attended 9/11 Bill Signing' Now They Claim They Weren't Invited
- Yang Campaign: DNC "Stacking the Deck Against Us"
- Bro-Fo Omar Exposes the GOP's Achilles Heel
- Zito: Rural America, "Romanticism" and Open Minds
- Kimball: Donald Trump at the Overton Window
Even MSLSD can't spin the cold, hard truth, media ignores Bro-Fo's condoning the beat-down on Rand Paul, Margot Cleveland with positive spin on the Covington kids, Fox veers Left and Christian Toto on the stories the media won't be covering.
- MSNBC Segment: Most Americans Oppose Far-Left Democratic Policy Proposals
- Media Completely Ignore Bro-Fo Omar Endorsing Violence Against Senator Rand Paul
- Cleveland: The Covington Catholic Teen Lost His First Court Battle, But Will Probably Win His Next
- Fox Veers Left
- Toto: Three Entertainment Stories the Media Won't Touch
Gavin Tiresome is.
- Gavin Tiresome: 2nd Amendment Doesn't Protect "Weapons of G-damned Mass Destruction"
Israel reportedly attacked Iranian weapons caches in Iraq, Chi-Coms really are interfering over here and we must stop the high-tech sellouts to our biggest enemy, Pompeo says Trump wants US troops reduced in the Afghan, two stories on Boris Johnson's first week as Brit PM, and an autopsy of Sweden.
- Israel Attacked Iraqi Bases Storing Iranian Ballistic Missiles From in Mid-July, Report Says
- China Covertly Subverting Trump Reelection
- Pompeo: Trump Wants Forces Reduced in Afghanistan By Next US Election
- Boris and Manchester United
- In Week 1, Boris Johnson Turns His Pursuit of Brexit Into Game Of Thrones
- American Tech Firms Surrender to China
- Sweden's Impending Moral and Economic Collapse
Caroline Glick on the muzzling of an apparently moderate voice from the so-called Palestinians.
- Glick: Palestinians Assault Mohamed Saud for Embracing "Two-State Solution"
US consumers love the Trump economy, more on American traitors in service to the Chi-Coms, and Ben Carson who escaped Baltimore with solutions for real poverty reduction. Number one should be abolish Democrat-Leftist rule.
- Conference Board: Consumer Confidence Headed for All-Time High
- Who Is China's Fifth Column?
- HUD Secretary Ben Carson Lists 3 Ways to "Reduce the Likelihood of Poverty"
Kamala-Toe's muddled Medicare scheme/scam, DC judge goes Hawaiian on Medicaid work requirements, and the GOP's healthcare plan is a disaster. Thanks, McStains!
- Kamala-Toe Harris Unveils Health Care Plan: Medicare for All With Private Insurance Companies
- DC Judge Mandates Right to Medicaid for Able-Bodied Adults Without Work Requirements (break up the friggin' judiciary - jjs)
- Senate's Lower Health Care Cost Act Repeats Worst Features of Obamacare
Why London broils.
- An Alternate Explanation for Europe's Heat Wave
This Jessica Yaniv psycho needs a good talking to.
- Jessica Yaniv's Troubling History Goes Beyond Forced Genital Waxing
Millennials clueless about socialism and a good essay on the changing nature of hometowns and in defense of putting down roots
- Many Millennial "Socialists" Aren't Socialists
- In Defense of Hometowns
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.