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July 13, 2019
The Occasional Fishing Thread: Sitting on the Dock of the Bay Edition [Bandersnatch]
Welcome Piscators and Piscatrixes to the current installment of the occasional fishing thread. As usual, my musings, memories, biases, rants, brags, and outright lies are just a jumping off point. All things fishy are on topic.
There are as many satisfactions to fishing as there are people who commit the act. It can be an endeavor of rugged adventure. There are guys who fish Montauk in wetsuits, swimming out to rocks with surf rods. I like to walk miles through surf before dawn with a flyrod. I used to bristle when people said “oh that must be so relaxing”, but I’m over that. There’s also something to just being on the water staring at a bobber and hoping nothing moves it. There is nothing like the presence of water to help you contemplate the universe.
So, for this week’s jumping off point, do you like the active or the passive of fishing?
Some people wait until after the outing to enjoy the beer.
I’ve been trying to think of a way for this next one to fit smoothly into the arc of a thread but I’ve given up and am just shoehorning it in:
That is Joan Salvato Wulff. Her grace led to her winning flycasting competitions (that was a thing) and being a competitive dancer and dance instructor. She would marry one of the pioneers of American fly fishing, Lee Wulff. I have a vague family connection with her. Her father ran a rod and gun shop where my grandfather hung out. My mother would tell me stories of her when I was growing up. So I reached out to her and was delighted to get a reply. She assured me that, at age 91, she had absolutely no recollection of my mother.
Now on to the Fish Brag Pics…
Grimaldi may have sent the most Horde-ish fish brag pic evah:

Last week's fishing thread motivated me to go catch a big carp as a contribution...but no luck. Other anglers in the area said the area was full of carp swimming up to shore right after sunset, so I dug out my fishing bow (which I've rarely shot and never hit anything with) and took a chance Thursday evening. Plenty of carp I missed, but I did manage to hit...a buffalo.
It'll be frozen and donated to Save Our Avian Resources (SOAR), a group that rehabilitates injured raptors (sadly, not the dinosaur-type). https://soarraptors.org/
I believe there is still a rifle fishing season in Vermont.
Lurker John re-contributes:
We caught these last weekend. Wife is holding a 19”er and Brother is holding a 21”er.
George has wandered down Memory Lane:
This is one of those very rare pictures where I was NOT the person taking it. Me, two bro-in-laws and my cousin’s boat in the Gulf of Mexico off Pensacola.
Early 90’s because I remember the Black Winston Racing hat and the Red Snapper I’m holding.
The damn thing wore me out but it was tremendous fun as evidenced by my ear to ear grin.
Yes, I was lean and mean and an honest to God badass back in the day.
Now I’m just old and wondering which body part is going to say ‘hold my beer and watch me fuck with him’ next.
Sic transit juventus.
GMan brings it:
These are a bit older. The first one is of a muskie I caught up near green bay, WI (while fishing for smallmouth bass). Not the biggest muskie, but beautiful.
The second is a rainbow trout I caught while fishing the kenai river in alaska. That one measured something like 19 inches.
Emil offers:
Newly weds fly fishing
Awwww. Young love.
And with that we move on to the raison d’etre of this here HQ, the comments section. Brickbats, praise, and fish brag pics are welcome at aoshqfish at sign gmail thing.