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July 01, 2019
Andy Ngo's Lawyer: I'm Going to Sue Antifa and the Corrupt Government of Ted Wheeler So Hard That Nothing Will be Left but Pumpkin-Spice-Flavored, Soy-Infused Ash
Thanks to Huck Follywood. I admit, she didn't actually say she was suing the city, unfortunately. But I have hopes. I see penumbras and emanations.
Meanwhile, people are starting to wonder why a racist city government that permits masked gangs of fat white people to beat minorities in the street isn't being investigated by the DOJ and sued for conspiracy to violate civil rights, as the federal government did in the sixties and seventies.
Via the Washington Times, with more.
If the local police won't maintain order, send in the National Guard. That's how we dealt with violent racist thugs in the sixties and seventies.
Strip away from them the basic functions of home rule. They have forfeited it.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:07 PM
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