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July 01, 2019
NeverTrumper Echoes the "Ngo Is a Provocateur Who Wanted to be Beaten Up" Claim of the Antifa Left;
No Other NeverTrumpers Denounce Him
Remember, NeverTrumpers are forever denouncing conservatives for their alleged transgressions, and then claiming that Sacred Duty compels them to point out the intemperate and hateful language of conservatives and condemn it.
And yet... here we have one of their buddies, a confirmed #SalonHot25 "conservative," echoing the defense of antifa and suggesting that Ngo deliberately got himself beaten up in order to get people to pay for his medical costs.
Not a single one of the Brave TruCon Truth Warriors says shit about it.
"Working an angle" -- get a
brain bleed, a type of small stroke, for merely reporting on a violent terrorist group, then get people to pay a fraction of your medical bills.
Ah yes -- The perfect con.
It's almost as if -- now, I know this is crazy, but hear me out -- they're not "principled," but are simply on the other side, and what they camouflage as principle is simply base, rotten, hateful partisanship.
Jonah, David French, Little Bennie, AllahPundit, Ben "Shake Her Ass" Howe -- you guys tell me all day long about how principled you are and how Sacred Duty compels you to call out your allies.
Is Sacred Duty calling to you now? Or have you disconnected your Sacred Duty phone?
Say, "Kilgore Trout," you're pretty provocative yourself, you know that, right?
The Conservative Case for Domestic Terrorism
Coming soon to The Cuckshed.