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June 28, 2019
Traditional ONT
I'm glad everybody enjoyed the travelogue from last night, but tonight things are going to be a bit more traditional.

Longbows? Crossbows? Child's play. If you really want to start a fight, ask any group of hunters What's the best rifle caliber for deer? What do you guys think?
Here's some history that doesn't get talked about much: When Europeans Were Slaves: Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common Than Previously Believed. Of course they were. Everyone was. This planet is lousy with human beings, and human beings have always enslaved other human beings. Black, white, yellow, red. Men, women, children. None of it makes a difference, they have all always held slaves of the same or different ethnicity, sex or belief systems. In fact, the only culture that has ever really tried to eradicate the practice is....modern western culture since the enlightenment. Hmmmm
Squeee! Baby! Anyone that denies it is an idiot, denying reality to excuse their barbarism.
Well, this isn't news to anyone who has been paying attention, and it's not at all alarming. /sarc Big Government And Big Tech Are Partnering To Track Us Everywhere
Fuck this guy in particular: Bowe Bergdahl Seeking New Trial or Clemency Due to Trump Comments Actually, I take that back. I think he should absolutely get a new trial - and when he's found guilty he should be executed by firing squad, as befitting the traitor that he is.
'Miss Beautiful Spine' chiropractic beauty pageant, 1956
And we'll wrap it up with a cute doggo for Fido Friday:

posted by WeirdDave at
09:54 PM
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