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June 28, 2019
Julie Kelly: It's Not Open Borders Democrats Who Have Caused the Border Crisis. It's Mitt Romney, the NeverTrumpers, and the Rest of the Open Borders Republicans.
One traitor in your ranks can decimate your army more than a thousand openly-declared enemy troops.
After years of making empty promises and false threats about how to solve the country’s worsening illegal immigration problem, Romney and his NeverTrump accomplices sided with the Left (again) to undermine President Trump's efforts to ease a crisis they just a few months ago denied existed.
These open-borders Republicans were egged on by the same conservative commentariat that has offered little in the way of legitimate solutions to the immigration crisis. The editorial board of National Review encouraged Senate Republicans to overturn Trump’s declaration, of course, on grounds of "principle."
David French (naturally) hammered the president for months on the issue, arguing in January there was no national emergency on the southern border and that Trump's threat to invoke the National Emergencies Act represented an abuse of power.
[Jonah] Goldberg, too, minimized the chaos at the border. "President Trump has been wanting to message the crisis at the border as basically a scene from a Chuck Norris movie where the people are coming in to rape and pillage the country," Goldberg weirdly explained on "Face the Nation" on March 31."“Democrats have not wanted to give him any credit for the fact there actually is a crisis at the border . . . but it's not the crisis of the drugs and the guns and all that. It's a humanitarian crisis."
It is no coincidence that as anti-Trump Republicans and "conservatives" assured the world there was no crisis at the border and this was all a figment of Trump’s active imagination, attempted crossings surged.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:30 PM
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