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June 29, 2019
The persistence of communist thought in America and the Democratic Debates [KT]
Democratic Socialism is the carrot in front of the stick to beat you with if the carrot doesn't work. Skip
Communism persists in America
Mark Levin recently focused on the American Left's love of communism, and how the media props it up. He began with an article from City Journal by Harry Stein, The Red Decade, Redux:
It may be that the best book that will ever be written about today's progressive mind-set was published in 1941. That in The Red Decade author Eugene Lyons was, in fact, describing the Communist-dominated American Left of the Depression-wracked 1930s and 1940s makes his observations even more meaningful, for it is sobering to be confronted with how little has been gained by hard experience. . .
The review of the book and commentary which follows is excellent. Many people through the decades since 1941 who have fallen for Marxism should have known better.
Echoes of Marxism in the Debates
Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel on Woke Fascism. But what they are really describing is closer to the show trials and such of Marxism as practiced in the USSR and China.
How do you know if you're living in a free society? Here's a quick test: Are you allowed to say obviously true things in public? Or are you forced to lie? As George Orwell put it in "1984": "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows." But what if that freedom isn't granted? What if you're required to repeat things that you know aren't true? What if everyone who hears you knows perfectly well that you're lying, but they can't say so out loud? What if everyone is required to nod along in mock sincerity as if it's all completely real? That's what a pep rally in a police state looks like: "Thanks to the dear leader for a bountiful potato harvest!" they chant, even as they starve to death. You get the same feeling as you watch the current race for the Democratic nomination.
They identify specific lies that Democratic candidates have been forced to tell by other Democrats. Things we knew, but said in a way that could resonate with some young person you might know.
For utopian rhetoric, it is hard to top Marianne Williamson.
I know nobody wants political content on this account but it's 2:30am and I am awake and putting Marianne Williamson's speech to Twin Peaks music
Andrew Yang has endorsed a meme from The Onion involving a time vortex and himself, naked. But is there some Year Zero mentality lurking in the Onion piece? Somewhere? Hard to say for sure.
AOC was not on the debate stage, of course, but she has released a video which invites viewers to imagine 2020 as a sort of Year Zero in which the Democrats take over and then produce a green utopia.
"We need to be able to close our eyes and imagine it," Ocasio-Cortez says in the seven-minute cartoon. "We can be whatever we have the courage to see."
Trivia which may or may not be reliable
A group of humans is called a disappointment.
I'm only a single person but my father has called me this my whole life.
A group of disappointments is called a Congress.
A group of baboons is also called a congress.
A group of potatoes is called dinner!
A group of potatoes is called heaven
You're just kissing up to @Potato_Opinion.
A group of Baboons is called a "Congress". That explains a lot actually . A whole hell of a lot. If someone tells me a cluster of Hemorrhoids is called a "Senate", I'm going to go live in a cave and never talk to anyone again. Ever again.
Think the definitions in this thread are ready to be added to Wikipedia?
Feel free to add your own contributions in the comments.
Don't let the Commies get you down. Hope you have a great weekend and a great Independence Day.
This is the Thread before the Gardening Thread.
Serving your mid-day open thread needs
posted by Open Blogger at
11:37 AM
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