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GAINZZZ Thread »
June 20, 2019
Democrat Doxxer, Immediately Hired by Sheila-Jackson Lee Despite being Fired for Doxxing, Gets Four Years in Prison
Now, I don't want to speculate about what Cosko's dating life might be in prison.
That I leave to garbage-bathers that specialize in that sort of thing, like National Review and Jonah Goldberg, who had a great deal of fun in speculating that the swinger Roger Stone might enjoy "swinging" in prison as well.
But I am concerned about a young man's welfare, so I do have to ask: will this upstanding young Aristocrat be bullied or abused in prison?
Let's check the evidence:
Oh, I'm sure he'll be fine. He's got the fine features, luxurious lashes, and long, elegant swan-like neck that puts other men on notice that if you so much as look at him funny, he will bathe in your blood before the children of Babylon.
He looks like a young Randal "Tex" Cobb.
He might have to smuggle a lot of money and contraband into prison, though, to buy off his more persistent suitors.
You know, smuggle it in his tight, coltish ass-cubby.
So he got 4 years.
After growing angry over the GOP’s handling of the nomination process he posted the personal info of Graham (R-SC), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and now-former Utah Sen. Orrin hosta on Wikipedia. He then released the info about Kentucky Sens. McConnell and Paul.
Cosko pleaded guilty to five felonies in April, including making public restricted personal information, computer fraud, witness tampering and obstruction of justice.
US District Court Judge Thomas Hogan said the sentence is intended to signal that politically driven criminal harassment will be punished severely.
"We have...a society that has become very vicious," Hogan said. "It's very concerning to the court and unfortunate that you played into that."
The sentencing comes after a second ex-Hassan aide, Samantha Deforest Davis, was charged with helping Cosko.
Well, the prosecutors sought five years, and the judge knocked one year off, despite acknowledging that we have become a vicious society and this little twink's actions are both an example of that and a potential source of inspiration for other twink sociopaths.
But judges always have to show themselves to "be fair and empathetic," at least when sentencing a well-connected rich Democrat.
With Republicans, you put them in solitary confinement and ship them off to Riker's for process crimes.
But you know, we should remain very invested in nurturing the current order and power structure. We're obviously on top of it, right? We should be the most vigorous defenders of the political/power hierarchy, because we're so clearly its primary beneficiaries.
We should continue living in our fantasy reality, pretending it's still 1986 or whatever and it's still perpetually Morning in America.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:55 PM
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