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June 23, 2019
Food Thread: It May Be Hokey, But Poke Is Good!
I like raw fish, and raw tuna is one of the better ones. But it can get boring (and expensive). Over the last several years I have seen an explosion of "Poke," which is nothing more than Hawaiian for a raw fish mix-in. Lots of stuff besides the fish, so you can fill up on rice and edamame and seaweed salad and crunchy vegetables, instead of expensive fish. But that isn't a criticism...far from it. The combination of flavors and textures is a pleasure, and I will be making this often!
The one in the photo is on a base of lettuce, but mine was on a base of sushi rice, which I think is just perfect for this dish. And no, I didn't make it. I went to Whole Foods and bought a small container of it from their sushi bar for a couple of bucks. Sometimes it makes sense to buy rather than make!
Next time I am going to add something crunchier than the seaweed salad (yeah, I bought that too); maybe cashew nuts or peanuts. But it doesn't really matter what goes into it as long as it pleases your palate.
Last week's link to the great article about BBQ as a school sport in Texas was sent to me by lurker and hopefully soon-to-be-commenter "Satrose." My apologies for screwing that up.
Admit it, this would have been great at your wedding! I love the idea of dipping wings (or ribs) into it, although double-dipping would be problematic.
Speaking of double-dipping (the food kind, not the corrupt politician kind), what are your thoughts? I do it in my own home, but wouldn't dream of it anywhere else. I figure my guests can tolerate my own slobber, but I won't plague them at their homes. And in public? Yech!
[Hat Tip: ibguy]
I love roasted peppers, and this looks like a fun variation for them to be used as appetizers. Of course my favorites are Shishito peppers, which when done well are absolutely spectacular. Hell, when they are done badly they are good.
Dinner Party Balsamic Roasted Mini Peppers
I prefer my peppers with a bit of heat, so I might try this recipe with whatever mild peppers I can find.
This is exactly the kind of thing that I will make...once. It looks like loads of fun, but at the end of the day I would rather spend my time on more substantial things. Okay...maybe twice, because those jalapeno shots look great!
One of my guilty pleasures is a salt-rimmed glass for Margaritas, or last Thursday's spicy salt rim! Yeah...it was really good, and complimented the spicy Margarita very well. So that rim of "Tajin" on the jalapenos is intriguing.
[Hat Tip: artisanal'ette]
I'm not sure about the "Frito Pie," but most of the others in this list look pretty damned good. There's nothing new on the list (except "kolaches." What the hell are they?), it's more of a culinary trip down memory lane. They are mostly old standards, and that is a good thing.
Texans Share Their 31 Favorite Iconic Recipes
And there is Chicken-Fried Steak, which is God's gift to those who may have imbibed a bit too much the night before.
I love sausages of any kind* and will gleefully order them at every opportunity, buy them when they look good, and happily eat them every day. But making them is a different story. I've done it, and it's difficult. Not the grinding and spicing part, but the stuffing part. It's a skill, and don't let anyone convince you that it is an easy one. But it is so damned tempting!
Homemade Sausage Recipes
Who among you maniacs makes sausage? And let's kick it up a notch and discuss cured sausages, which is one of the glories of the culinary arts!
*Except andouillette, which is disgusting.

[Hat Tip: Tami]
Food and cooking tips, triple-cream cheeses, young wild pigs, crisp bacon, thick and fluffy pita, and good tomatoes that aren't square, pale pink and covered with Mestizo E.coli:
cbd dot aoshq at gmail dot com. Any advocacy of French Toast with syrup will result in disciplinary action up to and including being
nuked from orbit. And yes, shaking a Manhattan is blasphemy...it's in the Bible!
Poke Is Good!&bodytext=
posted by CBD at
04:00 PM
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