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June 14, 2019
Julie Kelly: Was Russian Ambassodor Kislyak Part of the Russia Disinformation Op?
Interesting theory.
If the Trump-Russia election collusion hoax was a movie, Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak would have a starring role.
From Attorney General Jeff Sessions' fateful recusal to National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s resignation to the aftermath of FBI Director James Comey's firing, the former Russian diplomat made more than just a few consequential appearances. The question is, were these incidental cameos or was Kislyak following a script written for him by the collusion fraudsters?
As Senate Republicans threaten to excavate the origins of the corrupt investigation into Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, they might want to take a closer look at how Kislyak helped shape the bogus Russian collusion plotline.
Kislyak appears 55 times in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s recent report. Alleged spy Maria Butina, sentenced last month to 18 months in federal prison for one count of conspiracy, met with Kislyak numerous times in 2015 and 2016 and promised to "collect the contact information of prominent conservatives" for him. He has openly bragged about his numerous contacts with Trump associates.
But it’s Kislyak;s relationship with the Obama Administration that should raise suspicions that his interactions with Trump campaign aides before and after the election were intentional, designed to help fuel the phony collusion narrative.
According to visitor logs, Kislyak visited the Obama White House nearly two dozen times, including at least twice in October 2016. He met with National Security Advisor Susan Rice in the White House on October 7, 2016, the same day intelligence officials issued the warning about Russian election interference. Kislyak was there allegedly to receive a harshly worded message to Vladimir Putin about the meddling efforts.
Kelly lays out a full case of suspicious contacts with Obama and Hillary folks, as well as his strange, random cameos at large events where he could say hello to a Trump supporter for three seconds (as he did with Sessions) and thus engineer a scandal. It's worth a read.
Meanwhile, Kelly is annoyed at people who have pushed this conspiracy theory for two years and are now pretending to have always debunked it:
I have no idea who Julie Kelly could be talking about. Surely there's no one who is baldly dishonest enough to have said something like "We have evidence of collusion" who is now claiming he always thought the dossier and the collusion claims were crank, right?
Oh, right.
You know who was really a big fan of lying all the time? Jesus, that's who.
Cover photographed by Yudhishthira's Dice.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:37 PM
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