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June 17, 2019
The Morning Rant

"Before the rush to canonize this whole 'trans' thing, I think we should remind ourselves of a few basic facts: if a man puts on a dress and calls himself "Charlotte", he's not a woman, he's a mentally ill man with a woman's name wearing a dress. If he starts receiving female hormone injections, he's still not a woman, he's a mentally ill man with a woman's name wearing a dress, with messed up body chemistry. If he undergoes gender reassigment surgery, he's still not a woman, he's a mentally ill man with a woman's name wearing a dress, with messed up body chemistry and no penis. If he gets a document from a court or other government agency saying he's a woman, he's still not a woman, he's a mentally ill man with a woman's name wearing a dress, with messed up body chemistry, no penis, and a legal document that caters to his delusion. And if he and his friends manage to get a law passed that says he must be addressed by the female pronouns he prefers, he's still not a woman, he's a mentally ill man with a woman's name wearing a dress, with messed up body chemistry, no penis, a legal document that caters to his delusion, and backed with the force of law. To sum all of this up: He's still a man, baby! And do you know what the funny part of all this is? The people who are vigorously pushing this like to think of themselves as the party of science."

(click for bigger science)

(click for bigger disorders)
Pro Tip:
Who Dis:

another photo that's even better.
For the 'Ettes:

Friday's celebs: the elderly chanteuse Madonna Louise Ciccone from back in the old days when she was a student at the University of Michigan, and also her erstwhile husband, Guy Ritchie. Oh, and, of course, Her Thighness, the fabulous FAB Herself, back when she was Hillary Rodham.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Chili In A Bread Bowl:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:22 AM
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