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June 14, 2019
The Morning Rant

"So, it looks like ThinkProgress, one of the big fluffers for the Democratic Party, has been bleeding money like crazy. And Vox, another Democratic shill site, had to lay off a bunch of people due to poorer than expected revenue. And as the boss reported a few days ago, Disney has pretty much written off its big investment in Vice. HBO cancelling it's Vice news show is also not a good sign. For them. Buzzfeed is also taking it in the shorts. All the news for these guys is so grim, I can't wipe this smile off my face. Too bad none of these maroons know anything about economics. Because then they'd be aware of basic concepts such as 'supply', 'demand', and, most importantly, 'market saturation.' And perhaps then they'd be able to ask themselves what would happen if the supply of left-wing gasbaggery greatly surpasses the demand. And perhaps do some sort of market analysis to determine how much of a potential audience they actually have. I think they'll find it's smaller than they might expect: First, they need to write off every red state. That's nearly half the country right there. Next, the number of people who are normally on your side of the aisle but who now think you're batsh* crazy is a lot larger than you'd like to admit, and I believe that not only is their number only getting bigger the closer we get to 2020, it's big enough to more than compensate for the insignificant sliver of bitter clinger NeverTrump holdouts they could possibly appeal to. If Trump wins in 2020, I think one or more of these big progressive sites are going to go TU. Investors other than George Soros are probably tired of throwing money at these guys and getting zero return on their investment. And the remaining market share for left-wing gasbaggery has been well-covered by the left-wing gasbags at CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, and the Washington Post. So who really needs another roomful of soyboy hipsters typing out anti-Trump tripe all day?"
The Four "B's"
Who Dis:
For the 'Ettes:
(Unrelated) Bonus:

Oh, stop complaining. You're lucky I didn't show you the striped-pants pic again. Also, I think it's good that I can find a photo of her where she looks reasonably pleasant and not like a bitter, washed-up old drunk.
Wednesday's celebs: Virginia Mayo and Dana Andrews, who appeared together in a film that many critics say is one of the best movies ever made, The Best Years of Our Lives.
Friday Shoe Pr0n:
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Blue Bell Raspberry Fudge Brownie Ice Cream:

(click for bigger ice cream)
(h/t bluebell)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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