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June 04, 2019
Mexico Admits That 80% of Its Well-Populated Territory Is Either Controlled by Cartels, Or "Disputed" in Control Between Cartels and Government Forces
Via Stephen Greene at Instapundit, Conservative Review notes that Mexico actually exerts less control over its territory than the Afghanistan government does.
Several weeks ago, the Mexican investigative journal Contralinea posted a map of Mexico prepared by the government of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), showing that 80 percent of the country’s 266 districts recently targeted for enforcement by the Mexican National Guard in a new counter-cartel operation are either controlled (57.5 percent) or disputed (23.3 percent) by the cartels. "Only 53 (19.92 percent) enjoy a low level of violence, which means that control is exercised by the authorities," reported Contralinea on May 4, citing the data on the color-coded map.
That map here. As you'd guess, red means cartel control, yellow means disputed control, and green means effective government control (and low levels of cartel violence).

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:51 PM
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