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June 04, 2019
Black Radio Host to Elizabeth Warren, About Her Claims of Being a Cherokee: "You're kind of like Rachel Dolezal"
Why, yes. Except worse. Rachel Dolezal really wanted to be black and lived, to the extent she could, as a black woman.
You may think she was batty, but she sincerely wanted to be black, and as much as she could, did so. While serving in a black organization (the NAACP).
Elizabeth Warren just ticked off the "Native American" box when she was looking for a promotion.
Elizabeth Warren's honestly Indian fellow profs and students were surprised to hear about her claims of being an Indian. Some noted that she never showed up for the various functions and events.
And since then, Elizabeth Warren has put on another ready-to-wear identity: She's now not just gay, but SupraGay, and Looooovin' It!
It's apparently Gay Pride Month, which is a real tradition that wasn't just started by people on Twitter ten minutes ago.
Which means it's time for #Woke Corporations, by which we mean just "corporations," period, to fly the Gay Flag for a month.
This twitter string from "Woke Capital" shows all the corporate signalling.
Let's enjoy the Ritual Affirmations and call-and-response prayers:
What he means is that 4chan started a hoax campaign demanding that black and brown be included in the gay rainbow, to signal that minorities are welcome too, and people actually started obeying their hoax Social Justice Warrior demands.
"Poz" is apparently slang for "positive," as in "HIV positive," as in being either HIV positive or having a positive attitude about sex with someone with HIV.
I'm learning here just like you are.
It's pretty much All The Banks.
Are you sure you'll still be allowed to have a checking account by next year?
David French says, "Don't worry, be happy!"
posted by Ace of Spades at
12:06 PM
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