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June 03, 2019
Mr. and Mrs. Trump Meet the Queen
Video of the welcoming ceremony at Buckingham Palace, and Trump reviewing the Beefeaters.
Video of the Trumps attending the state dinner. That should be synced up to the right time; if not, skip to 58:00. The Queen's welcoming speech starts here, at 101:16.
The speech is a ritualistic praise for our institutions, like NATO, for preserving the post-WWII peace in Europe.
Trump gave the Queen a first edition of Winston Churchill's history of the Second World War. Which is nice, but don't you think the Queen gets enough of those? Let's try thinking outside the box, people. This is like making a gift of hentai tentacle porn to Kurt Eichenwald. He's got it covered already, people.
A lot of rote exchanges here.
Whoops! The Queen gave Trump the Churchill book, not vice-versa. I'd stick to my point: These things must be piling up in the State Department's gift registry. Honestly, she should have just given Trump a $200 gift certificate to Dave & Buster's.
I would say that the Queen's emphasis of multilateral institutions, rather than US-UK friendship specifically, is cuck signalling about the EU and nationalism, but it's probably just thoughtless ritual.
Here are pictures. As many point out, Melania looks ravishing. Very nearly as beautiful as Michelle Obama, in fact.
That hat. Very smart.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:59 PM
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