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June 02, 2019
Bill de Blasio For President! At least His Campaign Will keep Him Out Of NYC
That's 47th St. and 8th Ave. on a nice Saturday afternoon in late spring. The streets are filled with tourists and theater-goers leaving the Saturday matinees, and they are greeted by the sight and stench of rotting garbage, and the equally delightful bouquet of bums sleeping in doorways.
This is by no means a rare view....NYC is rapidly descending into third-world status when judged by the amount of garbage on the streets. And de Blasio is the man responsible. Say what you will about Bloomberg (and there is much to be said!), he got the garbage picked up. Now there are plans to add congestion pricing fees in midtown Manhattan (coming in 2020), as if there were no other reasons to avoid it. The city has always been expensive, but the point of diminishing returns is rapidly approaching (if it isn't here already). $13 to cross the bridge, another $12 for congestion pricing, $40 for parking, and all for the pleasure of walking along garbage-strewn streets filled with bums?
And that green-painted strip of roadway along the curb? That's for the occasional bicyclist. Unseen is the new system of traffic lights to accommodate the cyclists, and in the process slow down automobile and pedestrian traffic. That's an entire lane on a major street, taken over for the convenience and virtue signalling of a minuscule number of riders.
It is an adorable and idiotic pipe-dream of the progs...to convert NYC into a carless utopia, in which everyone walks and cycles and skips through the beautiful fields as they happily commute to their zero-carbon-emissions jobs and eat their vegan meals out of sustainable bowls. Or even better...use their MiniumBasicIncomeTM to frolic in their happily stoned and ignorant state, as the drones upstate work to pay their rapidly increasing tax bills.
And there's more!
What's that? DHS Police? Why that is "Department of Homeless Services!" The bureaucratic bloat has become so pervasive, and the desire of the progressive mind in NYC to SPEND SPEND SPEND has become so all-encompassing that they actually have a separate police force for bums.
Here's a list of departments with armed officers...
- New York City Police Department
- New York City Department of Environmental Protection Police
- Fire Department of the City of New York Fire Marshals
- New York City Department of Correction
- New York City Department of Investigation
- New York City Sheriff's Office
- New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services Police
- New York City Department of Health and Hospitals Police
- New York City Department of Homeless Services Police
- New York City Human Resources Administration Police
- New York City Parks Enforcement Patrol
- New York City Department of Probation
- New York City Department of Sanitation Police
- New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission Enforcement
- New York City Business Integrity Commission
I'm sure there is a fine and logical argument for the existence of each of these departments, but the vast and vile amount of waste and graft and sloth is just too much to dismiss.
This is the country we can expect if the current crop of children, ignorant of the existential danger of socialism, usher in some grand experiment in "correctly implemented" socialism in America.