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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (5/29/19) »
May 29, 2019
Washington DC Theater Cancels "Lovebirds," the Dramatic Reading of the Strzok/Page Emails, Due to "Threats of Violence"
It must have been the alt-right.
HiT reached out to The Studio Theatre, which houses three theaters including The Mead Theatre. The person answering the phone confirmed the cancellation and read a prepared statement for the reason why. The statement included the words, an "open and violent threat" against the facility due to the planned show.
The production's email alert insisted the show will go on. The makers vowed to find a new theater to host the play.
Via Instapundit, who has a new book out about the tech-monster dystopia we're living in now. For some reason he talks about this with Goth Fonzie, the dweebishly doctrinaire fake libertarian Nick Gillespie. I hope he slaps Goth Fonzie around.

posted by Ace of Spades at
08:26 PM
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