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May 28, 2019
Washington Post Reports That Elizabeth Warren Billed Clients $675 Per Hour in the 2000's; Alexandria Donkey-Chompers Accuses the Two Female Reporters of Sexism Against Women Making a Lot of Money
She was suing in asbestos-related cases, which I would guess she has represented as some kind of selfless work for the public good.
Selfless... for two thousand dollars every three hours.
Progessives -- you know, the fact-based, rational truth-seekers -- are freaking out that this simple fact was permitted to exist in print.
A lot of the Blue Checkmark Mafia was essentially demanding censorship.
And John Sexton notes that the left approves of making a lot of money... so long as it's pro-socialist Democrats making fistfuls of filthy lucre:
It is interesting how many progressive fans of E. Warren leaped to defend her making good money because she earned it as an expert in her field. And they’re right! She did earn it and good for her for doing so. But what about all the other millionaires who made a lot of money working in their chosen fields? Warren has made a career in politics out of attacking the "rich and powerful." I think the real revelation here is that someone billing out at $675 an hour doesn't count as rich and powerful to Warren's fans. Maybe there's more support for capitalism than we thought.
Not really. Socialists and communists understand that there will always be a Vanguard, selected for their political zeal and willingness to lie and harm enemies, who will be permitted to live Large and Fat in the new utopia.
That's what makes them such passionate agitators for socialism/communism -- they imagine they're buying their own ticket in to that very, very small group which will be permitted to have nice lives under the regime of misery they want for everyone else.

posted by Ace of Spades at
11:55 AM
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