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May 17, 2019
AG Barr: "If we're worried about foreign influence, for the very same reason shouldn't we be worried about whether government officials abused their power and put their thumb on the scale?"
The Attorney general gave an interview, which is slowly being trickled out, talking about his investigation into Spygate.
Attorney General William Barr said in an interview that aired Friday that he is investigating what role the Steele dossier played in the Russia probe, and that the salacious document had "a number of clear mistakes."
"It's a very unusual situation to have opposition research like that, especially one that on its face had a number of clear mistakes and a somewhat jejune analysis," Barr told Fox News' Bill Hemmer.
"And to use that to conduct counterintelligence against an American political campaign is a strange -- would be strange development."
The WSJ:
Attorney General William Barr said his review of the origins of the Russia investigation is focused on U.S. intelligence gathering before the Federal Bureau of Investigation opened its formal inquiry in July 2016 and could lead to rule changes for counterintelligence investigations of political campaigns.
"Government power was used to spy on American citizens," Mr. Barr told The Wall Street Journal, in his first interview since taking office in February. "I can't imagine any world where we wouldn't [investigate that]."

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:02 PM
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