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May 17, 2019
Former Sparkly Vampire Robert Pattinson Claimed to be the New Batman
Well, I guess he's worked with bats before.
He's very slight, though. He does not look like any kind of brawler.
Kind of hard to see him as Batman.
Oh wait, now I see it.
But then, people objected to Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck being cast as Batman, and they turned out okay. And people objected to Daniel Craig as James Bond, and he was the best Bond in decades.
The new movie is supposed to feature a much younger Batman -- but they're going to run into problems in any team-up movie, when Batman shows up suddenly 20 years younger.
But then, Warner Bros. can probably afford to wait a decade for another Justice League movie.
He's going from sex symbol to bat symbol. Sources tell Variety that Robert Pattinson is in negotiations to play "The Batman" in Matt Reeves’ forthcoming superhero film, which hits theaters June 25, 2021.
While sources say it's not yet a done deal, Pattinson is the top choice and it's expected to close shortly. Warner Bros. had no comment.
Deadline says that the "not yet a done deal" factor is due to Warner Bros. simultaneously talking with Nicholas Hoult, currently in the Tolkein movie, probably beast known for his role as Hank McCoy in the forgettable X-Men movies. (See what I did there? What a card I am!)
We'll keep you posted as this unfolds, but several sources said that right now, the bat suit isn’t filled yet and that they like both guys, with Pattinson holding the edge. Both are Brit born, replacing the Wales-born Christian Bale, in the last freestanding film trilogy.
Update: bonhomme posts a more recent picture of Pattinson. He's not in Batman shape and doesn't have Batman's bulk but you can imagine he'd be in good form given six months and a million dollar penalty clause animating him to get to the gym.
Plus, you know. Chemical aids. I don't believe these actors bulk up just on weightlifting, chicken, and broccoli. I think most of them also have the help of the finest steroids.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:10 PM
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