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May 17, 2019
Senior FBI Officials Worried That Comey's "Briefing" About Blackmail Material Just Might Seem Like Comey Was Himself Blackmailing Trump, Just as Former FBI Capo J. Edgar Hoover Did to Presidents
James Comey, onetime communist, knows how to use kompromat.
Senior FBI officials were concerned then director James Comey would appear to be blackmailing then President-elect Trump -- using tactics notoriously associated with J.Edgar Hoover -- when he attended a fateful Jan. 6, 2017, meeting at which he informed the real estate magnate about allegations he had consorted with prostitutes in Moscow, according to Jim Baker, the bureau’s chief counsel at the time.
"We were quite worried about the Hoover analogies, and we were determined not to have such a disaster happen on our watch," said Jim Baker, then the FBI's top lawyer in an interview with the Yahoo News podcast Skullduggery. But he and Comey determined the bureau had an obligation to tell Trump of the uncorroborated allegations because "the press has it; it's about to come out. You should be alerted to that fact."
Baker strongly urged Comey not to go through with his plans to reassure Trump by telling him he was not under investigation by the FBI. "I didn't think it was accurate to say that he wasn't under investigation," said Baker.
So Comey's plan was just to lie to his boss and the chief Executive Officer of the country?
And by the way: the story was not about to come out. As Comey himself admitted, the media was not reporting on the story because they lacked a "news hook."
It was Comey's briefing that, oh my gosh golly!, provided that news hook.
Anyone who is not a fucking idiot now understands the purpose of the "briefing" was not to brief Trump about what the media was soon to report, but to provide a "news hook" pretext so that the media could report it.
And this mirthless narcissistic neo-Puritan remains outraged that he was fired.
Hey, he just lied to, and set up, the president. How dare the president fire him over that! James Comey was just doing what Archangel Michael told him to do over Twitter!

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:12 PM
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